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Chemical Engineering Medal (Park Reilly Medal)

Award type: 
Award description: 

This award was established by Dr. and Mrs. Park M. Reilly to recognize skill in research as measured by analysis of an engineering problem, planning an efficient solution of the problem and achieving the solution with superior insight into the science and/or engineering involved. All doctoral graduates in the Department of Chemical Engineering are eligible.

The nomination of a student must originate with the PhD Examining Committee, which will submit the nomination to the Chemical Engineering Graduate Review Committee.

Supporting documents including a recommendation from the supervisor(s) and in particular the external examiner should accompany the nomination. The Graduate Review Committee will consider all nominations and submit a single nomination to a regular monthly meeting of the Department for approval.

Value description: 

Silver Medal + $1,000

Engineering→Chemical Engineering
Canadian/Permanent resident, International/study permit student
Selection process: 
Student selected automatically by Faculty/Department
Contact person: