Engineering Excellence Master's and Doctoral Fellowships (EEMF and EEDF)

Award type: 


Award description: 

Effective September 1, 2024, no new recipients will be selected for this award; previous commitments will continue to be honoured.

Engineering Excellence Fellowships, valued at $30,000 per year for up to four years for doctoral students and $25,000 per year for up to two years for students registered in a MASc program, in the Faculty of Engineering are available annually. Students must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents of Canada and be registered full time in their graduate program in order to be considered. A specific fellowship application is not required. The Engineering Graduate Awards Committee, chaired by the Associate Dean, Graduate Studies, Faculty of Engineering, will automatically consider all applicants (or students who transfer to the PhD program, as applicable) in Engineering as potential candidates for this fellowship based on the evaluation criteria on the basis of information provided in the student's graduate program application. Selection will be made annually in the Winter and (if required) Fall terms.

Value description: 

EEDF - $120,000 paid across 12 terms; students registered in the PhD program with a Master's degree (PhD2) will receive $30,000 per year for a maximum of 4 years/12 terms.

Students who were admitted directly to the PhD program from a Bachelor's degree (PhD3) will receive 5 years/15 terms of funding. The first 4 years will be funded by the fellowship ($30k/year) through the Dean of Engineering's office. The 5th year of funding (terms 13.0-15.0) will be covered through a combination of the Engineering Domestic Doctoral Student Award (ENG DDSA) and Graduate Research Studentship (GRS) from the supervisor(s) with a value equivalent to the University minimum funding for PhD students for their 5th year (terms 13.0-15.0).

EEMF -$50,000 paid across 6 terms; students registered in the MASc program will receive $25,000 per year for a maximum of 2 years/6 terms. The fellowships will be fully funded by the Dean of Engineering's office so no additional financial support from the supervisor will be required.

Eligibility & selection criteria: 

  • Admitted into the MASc or admitted/transferred into the PhD program in Spring 2018 or later;
  • Students must be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident;
  • Students must be registered full time in a research master's (MASc) or PhD program in the Faculty of Engineering;
  • Must maintain satisfactory progression in academic program to remain eligible;
  • Recipients of an EEMF must have received a Bachelor's degree from a Canadian institution
  • If a recipient of an EEMF transfers to the PhD before completing their Master's, they must contact the Faculty of Engineering to confirm what funding they are eligible for.
  • The EEMF and EEDF can only be held by a student enrolled in a research program (MASc, PhD) in the Faculty of Engineering. If a student transfers out of a research program or out of the Faculty of Engineering, they will not continue to receive it. If a PhD student transfers to a an MASc or MEng program, they will not continue to receive it.

Notes about other funding:

  1. There are guidelines about holding this scholarship concurrently with major scholarships which include, but are not limited to Vanier, Tri-Agency Master's and Doctoral CGS and PGS, Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST), and the UW Provost Graduate Scholarship. The Faculty of Engineering will advise the student(s) of any adjustments to their funding accordingly. A student may still receive a fellowship, if eligible, following completion of their major scholarship.
  2. Fellowships may be held concurrently with Engineering Dean's Entrance Award.
  3. Fellowships cannot be held concurrently with an Engineering Advanced Manufacturing Fellowship or in the same term as an Engineering Domestic Doctoral Student Award (ENG DDSA) or a Doctoral Thesis Completion Award (DTCA).


Masters, Doctoral


Engineering→Architecture, MBET, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Eng, Electrical & Computer Eng, Management Sciences, Mechanical & Mechatronics Eng, Quantum Computing, Systems Design Engineering


Canadian/Permanent resident

Selection process: 

Student selected automatically by Faculty/Department


Winter, Fall

Contact person: