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T.H. Sze Memorial Award

Award type: 
Research specific awards
Award description: 

This will be awarded annually to a graduate student registered in the MASc or PhD program in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo, who is conducting research in the field of experimental stress analysis. The purpose of the award is to assist students with student salaries, material and/or labor costs, travel expenses, conference fees, etc. as related to their research.

This award was established by Dr. Yulun Sze in memory of his father to encourage research intended to repair and rehabilitate the aging infrastructure of our cities.

Value description: 

Awarded annually.

Eligibility & selection criteria: 

Graduate students registered in the MASc or PhD program in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo, who are conducting research in the field of experimental stress analysis may apply for this award.

Masters, Doctoral
Engineering→Civil & Environmental Eng
Canadian/Permanent resident, International/study permit student
Selection process: 
Student selected automatically by Faculty/Department
Contact person: