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Mental and Emotional Wellness

A number of resources on campus support the mental and emotional wellness of students, including those students in graduate studies.

Queer and Trans Graduate Students Wellness (QTWELL)

QTWELL is an open, drop-in group where any graduate student who is a sexual and gender minority or identifies as part of the 2SLGBTQ+ communities may drop in for good conversation and support to promote student wellness.

Grad Circle Drop In

Hosted weekly through Counselling Services, Grad Circle Drop ins offer a safe, confidential space for all graduate students to talk about the stressors in graduate school and life, emotions (including problems with anxiety and depression), and relationships. This group can be attended on a drop-in basis, attendance at each session is not required.

Empower me

Empower Me is a mental health and wellness service that connects students with counsellors, consultants, and life coaches and can be accessed 24/7. To get started with Empower Me, create an account on the Dialogue mobile app or on the web at

Counselling Services

Counselling Services is a team of professionals that provides programming and services to help you lead a healthy and balanced life. Counselling Services strives to provide a secure, supportive environment for students of all orientations and backgrounds.

Campus wellness

Campus wellness provides information on a variety of physical, mental and emotional wellness matters relevant for graduate students. They maintain pages on wellness topics and information, as well as mental health, including advice and resources on self-care, imposter phenomenon, and resilience.
