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Faculty of Mathematics

Vega Kapoor - Actuarial Science

Vega Kapoor

Vega Kapoor had a successful career as an actuarial analyst at a global consulting firm in India. So why did she decide to leave her job — and her home country — to pursue her master's at Waterloo? "I wanted to learn from the best," Vega says. At Waterloo, she advanced her actuarial knowledge in preparation to make a positive impact when she returns to her career in insurance.

Rick Perche, PhD student in Applied Mathematics

Rick is the outreach officer of the International Society for Relativistic Quantum Information and visited the United Kingdom (UK) and Greece. Rick met with Prof Jorma Louka in the UK to collaborate and work closely on relativistic quantum information for a future publication with him and his students. Rick then travelled to Greece with Professor Louko to attend and be a part of the organization of a major conference and meet up with Dr. Anatopoulos. Rick made valuable bonds, contributions, and development to research throughout his experience abroad.

Gordon Willmot - 2021/2022

Gordon Willmot - Statistics and Actuarial Science

Dr. Gordon Willmot joined the rank of the faculty in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science in 1986. He is the world’s leading expert on risk theory and insurance mathematics. He has published 5 books and monographs; more than 100 research papers and his research work has been cited more than 8300 times.

J.J. Lian - Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

J.J. Lian banner image

Jinjiang 'J.J.' Lian has always recognized the power of data science to drive social impact. While working as a data manager at a university healthcare facility, he realized he wanted to become a data scientist.

"I decided that whether I ended up in healthcare, tech, or another industry altogether, I wanted to use my data skills to help people."

Hayley Reid - Pure Mathematics

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“One of the biggest highlights of graduate school has been to stand in front of a class and teach students new concepts. For me, it’s an overwhelmingly exciting thing to be able to witness those light bulb moments.”
