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Jaskirat Bhatia - Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Jaskirat Bhatia

While in his undergrad, Jaskirat was inspired by a class project using machine learning algorithms to learn more about the field of artificial intelligence. Jaskirat began his studies in the Master of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence to pursue his interest in this field. During his graduate degree, Jaskirat assisted Professor Subha Kalyaanamoorthy with research creating a model for repurposing an existing drug to treat COVID-19. “I was the only person on the project who was able to code and apply a machine learning lens to the problem,” he reflected. “I couldn’t have expected more from the experience.” He is currently focusing on his venture, JEmotions, a company that uses AI to measure stress levels and connect users to mental health resources. “Thanks to the MDSAI program, I had all the knowledge I needed to take this chance.”

Read more about his #GRADimpact