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Amy Tai, MASc student in Systems Design Engineering

Amy will be travelling to Paris, France to expand her knowledge and skills in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) for clinical data in the medical space and engage with researchers from diverse backgrounds. NLP has emerged as a powerful tool in the medical field, enabling the extraction of valuable insights from vast amounts of clinical data, and Amy is eager to deepen her knowledge and contribute to the evolving field and make a meaningful impact on patient care. Travelling to an unfamiliar country and experiencing a different culture will broaden her perspective, enhance her ability to adapt to new environments, and strengthen her collaboration skills with researchers from around the world.

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Graduate Student International Experience award funds are available to University of Waterloo graduate students who participate in:

  • an academic exchange
  • a study term abroad related to research or an academic requirement
  • work, or volunteer experience in another country.

Graduate Student International Experience Award recipients
