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Simon Liao, MArch student in the School of Architecture

Simon (he/him) worked as an Intern Architect at Paul de Ruiter Architects in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. During his co-op term abroad, he had worked on a wide range of building types including educational, institutional and commercial projects , and was involved in the design process that aims to achieve high level of sustainability. The experience provided Simon fresh perspective on European architectural practice and green standards compared with its North American counterpart. Considered to be the "LGBTQ2+ Capital of the World", Amsterdam also gave Simon first-hand experience living in an inclusive and thriving urban environment for queer communities. It aided Simon's thesis production about "Securing the Survival of Queer Space in Toronto", and revitalizing Toronto's LGBTQ2+ neighbourhoods. At a time when Queer Spaces and people are facing renewed threats to their existence, Simon is exploring the responsibility architects have in preserving historically significant Queer Spaces, and creating inclusive public space for all.

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Graduate Student International Experience award funds are available to University of Waterloo graduate students who participate in:

  • an academic exchange
  • a study term abroad related to research or an academic requirement
  • work, or volunteer experience in another country.

Graduate Student International Experience Award recipients
