Magdy Salama - Electrical and Computer Engineering

Professor Salama has a long and distinguished record of outstanding research, teaching and graduate supervision in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He has managed a large research group and has supervised 40 PhD and 48 MASc students and is currently supervising 13 doctoral students, three postdoctoral fellows and six research associates.  In addition to managing a large research program, he has developed and taught a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate courses and has consistently achieved excellent course evaluations. For Professor Salama, graduate teaching, research, and graduate student supervision go hand in hand. His excellence in these areas and his dedication to his graduate students demonstrates the qualities recognized in the Award of Excellence in Graduate Supervision. 

In 2014 he was awarded the Faculty of Engineering’s Research Excellence Award. Between 2004 and 2011, he held the position as the University of Waterloo’s University Research Chair and has served on numerous committees at the department and Faculty level in Engineering. Highly regarded by colleagues in his department, Professor Salama “is an excellent educator who constantly draws on his research expertise to enrich classroom teaching.”

With a profound impact on his current and past students, Professor Salama has contributed greatly to the field of Engineering and the profession as a whole. The University of Waterloo is fortunate to have him as a mentor, educator, and researcher in the Faculty of Engineering.

Award of Excellence in Graduate Supervision winners
