Book retrieval and delivery

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Students who have library book retrieval and/or campus book delivery in their AccessAbility Services, and/or LAS accommodation plan, may take advantage of these services.

Book retrieval:

  • Circulation services staff will retrieve one or two urgently needed items as soon as possible
  • Otherwise, Circulation Services staff can retrieve up to five items by the next work day
  • Please provide a list of the titles and call numbers

Campus book delivery:

  • Circulation services staff will send circulating materials (up to five items) to users on campus via interoffice mail
  • Please provide a list of titles and call numbers

Note: Periodicals can also be retrieved, but will be placed on the hold shelf for one day only.

To access these services, or for more information:

  • visit the Circulation desk in person
  • call (519) 888-4567 at ext. 84882
  • e-mail