Accessible formats and communication supports

Commitment and responsibilities

We will ensure persons with disabilities (PWDs) have equal opportunity and multiple options to discover and access all Library resources and services, including:

  • print and electronic 
  • promotional materials
  • events
  • course-based sessions
  • hosted/non-hosted tests and surveys
  • telephone interactions
  • billing and receipts

Alternate formats and other accommodations for PWDs will be made clear in all communication about customer service activities within the Library.

Library Accessibility Services will provide:

  • Accessible conversion ready electronic versions of all documents intended for the public
  • Library staff/volunteer training:
    • creating conversion-ready documents (e.g. properly created Word and PDF documents)
    • how to interact and communicate with PWDs in a manner that they prefer for their particular type of disability

Public documents

Print and electronic resources provision:

  • legible and readable fonts
  • wide margins
  • white space
  • columns
  • high text and background contrast

Alternate formats provision:

  • large print
  • Microsoft Word’s “Styles” formatting for screen reader compatibility
  • captioning
  • transcripts
  • Braille
  • conversion ready — PDFs

Website provision:

  • Alternative text for non-text content
  • website navigation using keyboard
  • consistent, predictable language
  • No:
    • acronyms
    • abbreviations
    • jargon
    • complex instructions

Library events

All public event invitations and registration will pro-actively enquire about needed accommodations for the event.

  • Note: this includes outreach and instructional events

Library-produced posters and ad hoc signs

  • Include following statement:
    • For an alternate format, contact [name, extension]

Events without food: (e.g. speakers, book signings)

  • Include following statement in print or electronic promotional materials, email confirmations and reminders:
    • The Library is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact us in advance if you have any particular accommodation requirements (two weeks preferred). ( or 519-888-4567, ext. #####).
    • The following sentence could be added when available space is a concern:
      • as well, please advise us if a service animal or a support person will be accompanying you
  • Note: in invitation itself, locations for accessible entrances and other accessible features of interior and exterior built environment given

Events with food: (e.g., Friends of the Library events, Open House)

  • Add to events without food statement:
    • Please contact us by [give date] if you have any particular accessibility requirements or dietary restrictions ( or 519-888-4567, ext. #####).
  • Note: in invitation itself, locations for accessible entrances and other accessible features of interior and exterior built environment given

Course-based sessions


  • Include following statement in emails or communication with faculty:
    • The Library is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. If you have a student with disabilities in your class, please advise me of the accommodations he/she will need (two weeks preferred) ( or 519-888-4567, ext. #####).

Online tests and surveys

Library hosted online tests/surveys:

  • We will ensure online test/survey accessible or provide alternate formats or support for participation
    • If test/survey not have accessibility functionality, include following statement to the front page of test/survey (in particular, when actively recruiting respondents/participants)
      • The Library is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. To arrange support with completing the online [component name] or for an alternate format, please contact [name or names with email address link and extension].

Commercial or non-library hosted online test/survey:

  • When using commercial or non-library-hosted online test/survey we don't have control of interface and functions, statement indicating how to obtain alternate format or support included on front page (in particular, when actively recruiting respondents/participants):
    • The Library is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. To arrange support with completing the online [component name] or for an alternate format, please contact [name or names with email address link and extension].


Include following statement in any form of communications about billing and receipts:

  • We are committed to providing accessible invoices and receipts to all of our users. Invoices and receipts can be provided in the following additional formats upon request: large print; email or verbal explanation. We will answer any questions users may have about the content of the invoice in person, by telephone or email.


The Library is committed providing fully accessible telephone service to all library users.

  • We will train staff/volunteers to communicate in plain language and speak clearly with library users over the phone
  • We will make staff/volunteers familiar with available telephone technologies intended for people with disabilities, such as teletypewriters (TTYs) and Bell Relay service
