January 2018

Davis Centre Library, a New Look!

Davis Centre Library has gone through some exciting renovations in the past few months. Most of the renovations occurred in the entrance part of the library. Please take a walk to Davis Centre Library and check out its new look! Here are some of the highlights from the renovations.

Customer Service Stories

This is the first in a series of excellent customer service examples from our staff.  Reasons for posting these are to publicly acknowledge excellent work, and in case they offer new ideas for others. 

This one was taken from a performance appraisal – name changed to protect the innocent:

Introducing Winter 2018 Collections Student Staff!

Meet our Porter Collections Maintenance student staff! They are frequently seen in the stacks, book return areas and microfilm rooms etc. Don’t be afraid to say hello to our lovely student staff whenever you encounter them at the library. Collections Maintenance student staff are responsible for shelving newly received and returned library materials and ensuring the collections are maintained in proper order. In addition, they are also actively involved in different exciting projects. Over the past year, they have helped to weed over 200,000 items from the Davis and Porter libraries.

February: The month of book displays!

It’s been a full month of book displays at the Library! In case you missed it, here’s a quick summary of all that we’ve seen.

Blind Date with a Book

Photo credit: Mary Lynne Bartlett

Introducing Winter 2018 Davis Student Staff

Our Collections Maintenance student staff are responsible for shelving newly received and returned library materials and ensuring the collections are maintained in proper order. Their work is highly valued and an important aspect to the library as it greatly impacts on our ability to facilitate access to the physical collections. Below is this Winter Term’s Collections Maintenance student staff team as well as the Environment Monitor and Circulation Desk Clerk co-op student at the Davis Library.

Shannon Ford