Posts for the Topic staff introduction

Introducing Winter 2018 Collections Student Staff!

Meet our Porter Collections Maintenance student staff! They are frequently seen in the stacks, book return areas and microfilm rooms etc. Don’t be afraid to say hello to our lovely student staff whenever you encounter them at the library. Collections Maintenance student staff are responsible for shelving newly received and returned library materials and ensuring the collections are maintained in proper order. In addition, they are also actively involved in different exciting projects. Over the past year, they have helped to weed over 200,000 items from the Davis and Porter libraries.

Introducing Winter 2018 Davis Student Staff

Our Collections Maintenance student staff are responsible for shelving newly received and returned library materials and ensuring the collections are maintained in proper order. Their work is highly valued and an important aspect to the library as it greatly impacts on our ability to facilitate access to the physical collections. Below is this Winter Term’s Collections Maintenance student staff team as well as the Environment Monitor and Circulation Desk Clerk co-op student at the Davis Library.

Shannon Ford

Introducing Collections Student Staff - Winter 2017

Davis Library

Our Collections Maintenance student staff are responsible for shelving newly received and returned library materials and ensuring the collections are maintained in a proper order. This term, our new team member is Jenn. Please read below to learn more about Jenn and feel free to greet her if you see her in the stacks!

Introducing our new Resource Sharing clerks!

Our last group of new staff belongs to Resource Sharing! Read on for some Q&A with Hannah, Loc, and Danielle.

Hannah can be found at Porter, on the third floor.

Introducing our new Lending staff!

One familiar face and a brand new one have joined the Lending team this term. Read on for some Q & A with Agnes Kordiasz and Ryan Ball!

Agnes in Davis, her new home!

Q: What is your position in the library?
A: Weekend/Evening Supervisor at Davis.

Introducing our new Collections clerks!

We asked our new Collections clerks a few questions about themselves. Read on for a quick introduction to Carmen Peters and Laura Girard!

Carmen in action at the 2015 Brush Off event at The Museum.

Introducing Porter Collections student staff!

Our collections student staff work hard to organize library material and shelve them in their proper places.

Introducing Davis Collections student staff!

Our Collections Maintenance student staff are responsible for shelving newly received and returned library materials and ensuring the collections are maintained in proper order.  Their work is highly valued and an important aspect to the library as it greatly impacts on our ability to facilitate access to the physical collections.  Below is this Fall Term’s Collections Maintenance student staff team at the Davis Library.

Welcome our student desk staff!

Fall term's Circulation desk student staff L-R: Vedika, Lauren, Carleen, Kassandra, Taryn, Viola, Gloria, Shannon, Heather, Mike, Genevieve, Jonathan, Rishabh, Raymond.
Not pictured: Danielle, Michelle, Jennifer, Parminder.