Welcome our student desk staff!

Circulation desk student staff.

Fall term's Circulation desk student staff L-R: Vedika, Lauren, Carleen, Kassandra, Taryn, Viola, Gloria, Shannon, Heather, Mike, Genevieve, Jonathan, Rishabh, Raymond.
Not pictured: Danielle, Michelle, Jennifer, Parminder.

On Saturday, September 10 the Circulation desk's student staff gathered for a training day. The 4-hour session started with introductions, then staff received an Enhanced Directional refresher and had a chance to practice with a few scenarios. After a reminder of how the Library of Congress call number system works, teams of three raced to put a shelf of books in order. The winning team of Heather, Raymond, and Lauren received a small prize.

University of Waterloo branded stuffed goose.

A goose might be able to Google, but they haven't mastered call number sorting like our student staff have!

After lunch, a series of short presentations were given on the Davis IST service desk, Excellence Canada, Library Ambassadors, Green Office, and the Signage Committee. Then Deborah talked about uPrint and how to troubleshoot the most frequent issues. The day ended with a discussion on what student staff like most about working at the library, and what can be improved upon.

Please join me in welcoming, or welcoming back, our Circulation desk student staff!