Introducing our new Collections clerks!

We asked our new Collections clerks a few questions about themselves. Read on for a quick introduction to Carmen Peters and Laura Girard!

Picture of Carmen Peters.

Carmen in action at the 2015 Brush Off event at The Museum.

Q: What is your position at the Library?
A: Library Clerk: Collections

Q: What are you most looking forward to in your new job?
A: My own personal desk. :) Mostly I'm excited to continue working with a great group of people and learning new aspects of the library. 

Q: What is your favourite spot in the Library/on campus?
A: On campus, my most favourite spot is in EV1, in the tiny cafe that rests in the basement and contains delicious, inexpensive cookies, bagels, and my most beloved drink: Coffee. 

Q: What do you like to do outside of work/any hidden talents?
A: When I have down-time, I'm busy as I am a practicing artist that's fairly active in the community. I've shown in galleries and museums across Ontario. Beyond art, I enjoy experimenting in the kitchen, am a voracious reader, live with too many cats, and am always up for an adventure.  

Q: Who is your favourite author/what book would you recommend?
A: My favourite fantasy author is Mercedes Lackey, I'd recommend any of her books, in particular, her Elemental Masters series. While I typically read dystopic, YA, fantasy, or romance; I've lately delved into the world of horror. Some of my favourite authors from that world include Dean Koontz and H. P. Lovecraft. Best book I read last year? Fifteen Dogs by Torontonian author Andre Alexis. I like to try to keep up with the latest releases. If you have any recommendations, please feel free to share them my way!

Book cover of Fifteen Dogs by Andre Alexis.

Fifteen Dogs is part of the Davis Waterloo Reads collection.

Photo of Laura Girard.

Laura enjoying the Davis atmosphere.

Q: What is your position at the Library?
A: My position is Library Clerk – Collections

Q: What are you most looking forward to in your new job?
A: I’m most looking forward to really getting to know everyone and integrating myself into the library community.

Q: What is your favourite spot in the Library/on campus?
A: My favourite spot on campus would be the patio tables outside the library with a good book.

Q: What do you like to do outside of work/any hidden talents?
A: I enjoy reading, movies, hiking (when it’s nice out!), and playing guitar.

Q: Who is your favourite author/what book would you recommend?
A: My favourite author is George R. R. Martin (Game of Thrones), but I’d recommend something less known…The Fionavar Tapestry trilogy by Guy Gavriel Kay.

Book cover of The Fionavar Tapestry by Guy Gavriel Kay.

The three books of The Fionavar Tapestry - The Summer Tree, The Wandering Fire, and The Darkest Road - can be found in the Porter collection.