GRADventure presents:
RESEARCH MATTERS: copyright, intellectual property, responsible research conduct, research ethics, and commercialization
A half day event for postdocs and graduate students only.
Register for all the sessions, or choose those most relevant to you and your research program.
In January, Waterloo librarians Tim Ireland and Tony Tin presented Master of Digital Experience Innovation (MDEI) students in Paul Doherty’s Project Management class with a challenge: How can this tool for online information literacy be improved? (
During the exam period colouring tables are available in Dana Porter and Davis Centre libraries.
The workshop provides a hands-on learning environment to explore using RefWorks (or other bibliographic management software) and any research database, with citation tracking and search alert capabilities, to maintain an accurate list of your own publications and track and collect citations of your work. The process will help you to identify the best citation tracking sources for your field, uses multiple sources to ensure all your work is tracked and maximizes citation counts. The workshop does not delve into author focused impact factors (e.g. h-index etc.).