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Thursday, October 30, 2014 — 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM EDT

The workshop provides a hands-on learning environment to explore using RefWorks (or other bibliographic management software) and any research database, with citation tracking and search alert capabilities, to maintain an accurate list of your own publications and track and collect citations of your work. The process will help you to identify the best citation tracking sources for your field, uses multiple sources to ensure all your work is tracked and maximizes citation counts. The workshop does not delve into author focused impact factors (e.g. h-index etc).

This workshop will be useful for those preparing academic advancement documentation, grant proposals and sabbatical applications.

By the end of this hands-on workshop, you will be able to:

  • use online tools to help maintain an accurate master list of your publications,
  • use a variety of research databases to identify, compare and tally your citation numbers, and
  • identify some of the pitfalls or limitations associated with cited reference searching.

Register for this workshop.

Dana Porter FLEX Lab (LIB 329)


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