Assemble your fave team of Avengers with these library services cards. Eighteen to collect!
To download: right click image and save image as.
Ant-Man (St. Jerome's University Library) description
Black Panther (Geospatial Centre) description
Captain Marvel (Pharmacy) description
Dr. Strange (Assignment Planner) description
Gamora (Bibliometric and impact services) description
Hulk (Course Reserves) description
Jarvis (Online Learning Object Repository) description
Mantis (Ask us) description
Nick Fury (Book pickup @ Porter) description
Pepper Pots (Copyright and licensing) description
Rocket Raccoon (Musagetes Architecture Library) description
Scarlet Witch (Interlibrary loans) description
Shuri (Research consultations) description
Spiderman (Student engagement) description
Steve Rogers (Special Collections & Archives) description
Thor (Get access from anywhere) description
Tony Stark (Entrepreneurship) description
Vision (Research data management) description