Johnny Rose's entrepreneurial workshop
Tuesday, October 5, 1-2:30 p.m. and Thursday, October 7, 3-4:30 p.m.
After losing his business, Rose Video, Johnny Rose created a successful motel business with his business partners. How did he do it? What does it take to be an entrepreneur? Find out from Christine Moffatt, from Concept!
In this one and half-hour session Christine will:
- Introduce the "Problems over Solutions" approach to entrepreneurial research at Waterloo
- Walk students through the process of finding problems around them
- Highlight some library databases and the kinds of information available
- Introduce the different innovation centres on campus and what supports are available
By attending this workshop, you will be given a special code to input on the contest submission form. This session counts as five ballots in the prize draw.
Join the Zoom meeting.
Jocelyn Schitt's library bootcamp
Wednesday, October 6, 5-6 p.m. and Thursday, October 7, 12-1 p.m.
As a high school teacher among many other things, Jocelyn Schitt loves to give students more resources on writing papers to ensure they are done well. This boot camp will give you valuable information on services like librarians, assignment planner, reference management software, research guides and more.
There are three 15-minute sessions that will happen over this one-hour bootcamp. For each session you complete, you will be given a special code which you will input on the contest submission form. By completing all three sessions, you will earn six ballots!
To sign up, email
Alexis Rose promotional resources for landing the job. Boop!
Alexis Rose is fantastic at promoting herself. As a successful business woman, Alexis specializes in marketing and promotional services, making her knowledgeable on how to brand oneself for the job market.
Alexis loves Buzzfeed quizzes to stay in the know, so she's worked with Library Ambassador Joanna Gao to create one for her clients on how to promote themselves in the job market! Go through this quiz to see if you've got the skills like Alexis to promote yourself!
Finding examples on how to effectively promote yourself on your resume can be tricky. Alexis did some research with the Library Ambassadors and found these resources for you to check out.
Alexis' resume:

Beyond Ideas created this helpful web page with tips and tricks on how to build and effective resume!
Top five tips and tricks for interviews prepared by Alexis and Navya Nair, Library Ambassador:
Hall passes won't work here:
Turning up late for an appointment will not endear you to any employer unless you have a genuine cause or phone ahead to reschedule in case of unavailability.
Poor body language :
Maintaining eye contact, good posture, cheery tone, and a solid handshake will go a long way. If you're worried or nervous, pretend you're talking to a buddy and look at the interviewer as if you're having a casual discussion.
Lying is for Pinocchio:
Anything you mention on your resume or cover letter could be brought up during an interview and lying about your employment or educational background could hurt your reputation in the long run. Instead, be honest when answering questions about your qualifications for the job. Demonstrate your drive to learn new skills and your commitment to enhancing your job performance.
Leave the negativity at the door:
Make no disparaging remarks regarding prior employers or colleagues. It is necessary to answer questions honestly, but do not criticize a current or previous employer or coworkers.
Reach out and connect!
Thank the interviewer in a short but pleasant email and explain why you are still interested in the position. Send a quick thank you and a “looking forward to hearing back” message. It also has the potential to open the door to new opportunities.