Theses and other long documents (e.g., books, manuals, reports) can present challenges that shorter documents don't. It is more difficult to maintain a standard "look and feel" throughout a long document like a thesis. This course will demonstrate features in Word that will make formatting your thesis easier and less time consuming, such as:
- Styles
- Numbering headings
- Page numbering
- Captioning tables and figures
- Footnotes
- Cross references
- Table of contents
- Lists of tables and figures.
This session will also include integrating RefWorks into your thesis writing. RefWorks is an online citation management system that allows you to manage your references and insert them into the body of your document in whatever citation style you need. With a click of a button it also creates your bibliography based on the items cited within your paper. The RefWorks component will include setting up an account, importing citations from various databases, managing your citations, and using the Write-n-Cite plugin to add your citations to Word.
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1