Access to CRC Press online material is currently down. This affects access to the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics and all netBASE book collections. We are working with the vendor to restore access.

Access to Factiva is currently down. We are working with the vendor to restore access.

Getting started with Digital Editions

Setting up Adobe Digital Editions (ADE)

  1. Download a copy of the program from Adobe. The software is free.
  2. Create an Adobe ID, or enter your previously created ID. The books you download to Adobe Digital Editions will be associated with your ID (your account). See the ‘Create or update your Adobe ID’ page on the Adobe website for more information.
  3. Sign in or create an account on the ebook provider platform to borrow the book. You may be prompted to choose how long you’d like to borrow the book.

For more information on the process on the EBSCOhost platform, have a look at their support page.

For more information on this process on the ProQuest eBook Central platform, follow the instructions in their guide.

Transferring ebooks

You may want to transfer a book you've been reading on a desktop computer to your mobile device (such as an eReader, smartphone, or tablet).


Adobe provides detailed steps for doing this, see their website "Transfer eBook to eReader in Adobe Digital Editions".

iOS and Android

There are a number of apps that can open ADE content. Adobe lists them on their supported devices page.

Bluefire reader is a popular app available for iOS and Android for reading ADE content. See Bluefire support.

More help

Adobe provides an FAQ for Digital Editions which is a good place to find answers to all kinds of questions about installing, using and troubleshooting errors in Digital Editions.