Contact the Geospatial Centre
Dana Porter Library, Room 328
University of Waterloo Library
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
The businesses 2020 database provides a detailed list of businesses from InfoCanada. It includes company name, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) industry code, annual sales information, number of employees, and location coordinates (as well as by census geographic tracts) for every business in the database. The NAICS will prove useful to anybody looking to locate specific industries like soybean farming, grape vineyards, pig farming, logging, fishing, ore mining, construction, confectionary manufacturing, soft drink manufacturing, book publishers, flight training, and so much more.
• Where are certain types of businesses located within Ontario?
• How many coffee shops are located in my municipality?
• Which, or how many companies have more than 100 employees in my area of interest?
• Where are my competitors located?
• What’s the competitive risk around this location? How many similar businesses are nearby?
This data is available in geographic co-ordinates and is stored as an Excel file.
To request this data, please fill out the Ask-Us form and include which layers (shapefiles) you are interested in obtaining. The dataset will be shared with you via OneDrive upon completion of the data release agreement form. You may also make an in-person appointment using the same form.
This material is provided for academic, research, teaching, and personal use only. A data release agreement must be agreed to before the data is delivered.
Business Data [computer file]. Toronto, Ontario: Environics Analytics, [2020].
Dana Porter Library, Room 328
University of Waterloo Library
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
The University of Waterloo acknowledges that much of our work takes place on the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabeg, and Haudenosaunee peoples. Our main campus is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land granted to the Six Nations that includes six miles on each side of the Grand River. Our active work toward reconciliation takes place across our campuses through research, learning, teaching, and community building, and is co-ordinated within the Office of Indigenous Relations.
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