Historical Air Photos of the City of Guelph: tile F4

Photo: F4

F4 extent

F4 image

1930 Photo:

Right click file name and 'Save Link As'

File Name File Size File Description
1930 F4 tif (ZIP)  9.55 MB TIF image format
1930 F4 jpg 1.66 MB JPG image format - converted from TIF image
1930 F4 pdf 1.7 MB PDF image format - converted from TIF image
1930 F4 kmz (ZIP) 3.77 MB KMZ image format - view in Google Earth - converted from TIF image
Original images used to create image tile: 1930_A2122_72,

1955 Photo:

Right click file name and 'Save Link As'

File Name File Size File Description
1955 F4 tif (ZIP) 14.42  MB TIF image format
1955 F4 jpg 1.44   MB JPG image format - converted from TIF image
1955 F4 pdf 2.05   MB PDF image format - converted from TIF image
1955 F4 kmz (ZIP) 3.55   MB KMZ image format - view in Google Earth - converted from TIF image
Original images used to create image tile: 1955_4324_78, 1955_4323_186

1966 Photo:

Right click file name and 'Save Link As'

File Name File Size File Description
1966 F4 tif (ZIP) 5.17 MB TIF image format
1966 F4 jpg 519 KB JPG image format - converted from TIF image
1966 F4 pdf 532 KB PDF image format - converted from TIF image
1966 F4 kmz (ZIP) 2.48 MB KMZ image format - view in Google Earth - converted from TIF image
Original images used to create image tile: 1966_A19411_15