February 27, 2015

Campus has returned to its normal busy rhythms as students come back to class after Reading Week.  And though the winter still has us in its grip, the sun is getting higher in the sky.  Spring must be on its way, right?

counter covered with plasticwater on carpet

"Last Friday afternoon, Musagetes suffered a torrential downpour over our service desk and surrounding areas. The mess put us out of business for almost 3 days. Luckily, books escaped damage and, despite getting soaked, all of our computer equipment is still functional," writes Sara Perkins.  Photos taken by Sue Martin and submitted by Sara.

people looking at screen

Sara Perkins writes,"GIS staff at Musagetes were invited to a workshop on Wednesday, run by Landscape Architecture researcher Alexander Dunkel. Along with a group of students, we learned how to map and analyze geotagged Flickr images."  Submitted by Sara.

three people beside poster

"Lauren Byl, Alex Dobre and I coordinated the Library’s celebration of Fair Dealing Week," writes Christine Jewell. "Coinciding with Fair Use Week in the U.S., Fair Dealing Week has been a collaborative event. Throughout the week, videos were tweeted as Waterloo’s contribution." Check out these videos and more at Fair Dealing Week. Christine thanks Esther Millar and Patrick Miller for their help. Photo submitted by Christine.

bike in snow

bike in snow

"Orphan bikes outside  my window await rescue by Ted and the Bike Centre.," writes Anne Fullerton.  Submitted by Anne.

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