Library Lens - Week 9

What an interesting week it has been!  March was a lamb for a few days, and people dared to cast off their winter coats.  But then the lion came roaring back on Wednesday.

people throwing frisbie

"A couple of students take advantage of [last] Friday’s above-zero temps by playing “aerobie” (i.e. Frisbee) outside the Porter Library," notes Talsan Schulzke.

people eating at a table

"Davis staff enjoyed a delicious potluck at noon last Friday."  Submitted by Esther Millar.

desk with pottery and doll

Karen Davidson shared a photo of her desk.  "The action figure in the middle is of course, the famous Nancy Pearl."  And the pottery in the foreground is the work of Marian Davies.

handwritten letter

"Found this in my in-basket on Monday morning, " notes Laurie Strome.  Who is this mysterious La Bastille of St. Paul Res?  And who will win the free donut?  Laurie will be pulling a name out of the hat next Monday. 

Library Handbook of 1986

The cover of the Library Handbook, 1986 edition.  "Peter Genzinger, Reference/Collections Librarian, Wilfrid Laurier University, scanned this and sent it on to us," writes Jane Forgay. 

patio furniture covered in snow

Bev Hubbard got this pic on Wednesday, the day that winter returned.  "...after I was out yesterday with no coat, just a sweater. Go figure."

broken stapler

After 9 months of reliable service to library patrons in Porter, Steve the stapler has finally worn out. "He required minimal maintenance but his spring finally was sprung in the end.  Rushing to the rescue came Sally from the Info desk to fill in until Sinbad arrives later this week."  Submitted by Laurie Strome and Leah Haisoch.

This week's throw-back photo

library catalogue drawers

The library card catalogue, long before the internet.

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