March 6, 2015

It's still pretty cold out, but at least the sun is shining! Maybe if we put our collective consciousness together, next week's edition will be full of crocus shoots...or maybe not.

staff with bags of garbage

Members of the LibGreen group getting ready to do a waste audit at Davis Centre Library. Photo submitted by Alex McCulloch.

staff with a large bag of coffee cups

Nadeem and Vedika show off all the Tim Hortons cups that were pulled out of the garbage at DC and added to paper recycling. Photo submited by Alex McCulloch.

special collections displaySpecial collections display cases

Special Collections and Archives has a new exhibit celebrating the life of Aldus Manutius (who died 500 years ago this year!). We have ten items on display from our collection that were printed by Manutius’ Aldine Press. Photos submitted by Jessica Blackwell.

Book challenge list

Patrick is making good use of the library collections through his participation in a Popsugar reading challenge. He's off to a good start, 5 books down so far! If you're interested in participating, download your own 2015 Reading Challenge checklist. Photo submitted by Patrick Miller.

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