Systematic and Scoping Review Series: Systematic and Scoping Review Methods
Date: Wednesday October 30, 2024
Time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Location: Davis Centre Library, room 1568
Facilitator: Caitlin Carter, liaison librarian
Would you like to learn more about scoping and systematic reviews and what steps are involved when conducting each of these review types? This workshop, a combination of presentation and interactive activities, discusses the methods of each review type, as well as how to decide which is best to use and more.
By the end of this workshop, participants will:
- Explain the differences between a systematic review and scoping review
- Practice developing a clear research question for a review
- Describe the importance of developing a protocol and identify its main components
- Develop eligibility criteria for a review
- Choose a review method that best suits the review goal and timeline
If you wish to participate in the activities, please bring a laptop.
This in-person workshop has reached its limited capacity. If you have accommodation requests or questions, reach out to Caitlin Carter, ( with your needs.
This is the first of three workshops on systematic and scoping reviews. Join us for one, two or all three workshops to confidently take on your upcoming knowledge synthesis projects. Please register for each workshop separately. More information about the Systematic and Scoping Review Workshop Series.
Register now - Registration is full
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