Request for funding for professional development

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Event start date * (required)
Event end date * (required)
Reasons for wanting to attend * (required)
Check all reasons that apply, and include additional reasons if applicable.
Please address your request in the context of the Criteria for Funding (opens in new browser window).
Hide Leave of absence with pay for specific dates
Start date * (required)
End date * (required)
Full / Half days * (required)
Hide Estimated costs
Original currency * (required)
e.g. "1.00 USD = 0.98 CAD". For currency conversion see the XE currency converter.
(Where applicable, registration will be funded at the member and/or early bird rates.)
Principal method of transportation * (required)

Original receipts required.

  • Maximum $80.00 CAD in Canada
    (Breakfast – 20.00; Lunch – 20.00; Dinner – 40.00)
  • Maximum $100.00 CAD outside Canada and in North America
    (Breakfast – 25.00; Lunch – 25.00; Dinner – 50.00)
  • Maximum $140.00 CAD outside North America
    (Breakfast – 35.00; Lunch – 35.00; Dinner – 70.00)
Are you receiving funding for this event from any other organization? * (required)
External funding details (if applicable)
Are you a member of the association/body sponsoring the event? * (required)

Manager's approval and signature

When you submit this form, it will be sent to the manager whose name you select from the "Name of manager" drop-down menu. Your manager will consider your request in consultation with his/her manager.

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