Deposit your research: Faculty & Staff

Waterloo Faculty & Staff can deposit their research to UWSpace to make it Open Access and to comply with the Tri-Agency's Open Access Policy for Publications.

Before depositing your research:

  1. Confirm that your deposit type is currently accepted: Article (Peer-Reviewed), Preprint, Conference Paper, Technical Report, White Paper.
  2. Confirm that you have the right to make a deposit by conferring with Open Policy Finder and your publisher. Your publisher may require you to meet certain conditions. See our UWSpace Self-Archiving Support page for more information.
  3. Make an accessible copy of your article following the University’s recommended instructions for formatting your work as a PDF/UA. Other resources include:
    1. Tips for Creating Accessible Materials [PDF] - Disability Inclusion Team
    2. Microsoft Word Accessibility Training [online module] - Library
    3. Tagging PDFs for Accessibility [online module] - Library
    4. Accessible Word Document Checklist [downloadable PDF] - Library
    5. Accessibility Checklist for MS Word [PDF] - Centre for Teaching Excellence
  4. Review the UWSpace Non-Exclusive Distribution License that you must accept to complete your deposit.

To deposit your research, log in with your WatIAM credentials, and follow the instructions in the UWSpace Waterloo Research Deposit Help page to get started.

Any questions?

Contact UWSpace administrators at