Pre-Submission Checklist:
Before submitting your research to UWSpace, make sure that...
- You own copyright to the work or, if you have transferred copyright to your publisher, you have verified that you are allowed to self-archive your work.
- Verify self-archiving policies by searching for your publisher in Open Policy Finder or by reviewing your copyright transfer agreement.
- Pay attention to the conditions (i.e., embargo, licencing, publisher statement) required by the publisher.
- You have the correct version of the work for deposit (e.g., pre-print, author accepted manuscript, version of the record).
- See our page on Self-Archiving for more information.
Congratulations! You’re now ready to submit your research to UWSpace. Follow the steps below to guarantee a smooth deposit process.
Login to UWSpace on the top right-hand corner using your WatIAM credentials.
Accessing the Submission Form
Navigate to the black vertical bar on the left-hand side of the screen. Select New > Item.
Select the collection, University of Waterloo, Waterloo Research.
Submission Form
The new submission form includes all the information on one page. Read the instructions carefully prior to entering any information. All form fields denoted with an asterisk (*) are required.
- Upload your file to UWSpace by dragging and dropping the file anywhere on the submission page, or by clicking Browse*, and selecting your file.
- Enter your last* and first names*. Select Add more below to enter other co-author names.
- Enter the title* of your work. Ensure that it matches the title associated with your file. Avoid entering your title in all capital letters, as it reduces the readability of the text.
- If there are alternative titles associated with your work (e.g., translated title in French), add them in the Other Titles field.
- Select your Faculty or affiliated and federated institution * and Department, school, research centre or institute * from the drop-down menus.
- Provide the date* when your work was created or published. Only the year is a required field.
- Add the name of the publisher (e.g., Wiley, Taylor & Francis) to the Publisher field.
- If the item is a technical report that is part of a larger series, include the Series number and Report number in their respective form fields. An example of a report number is EPA 600/2-84-036, where 36 is the series number.
- Include any Identifiers, such as a DOI, in the Identifiers section of the form. Select Add more if there is more than one identifier associated with your work.
- Select the item Type from the drop-down menu. Options include:
- Article
- Book
- Book Chapter
- Conference Audio
- Conference Paper
- Conference Poster
- Conference Slides
- Extended Abstract
- Preprint
- Technical Report
- White Paper
- Select the Peer-review status* (i.e., Peer-Reviewed and Unreviewed) and Scholar level*(e.g., Faculty, Staff, Librarian) in the drop-down menus. If there is a co-author with a different Scholar Level, select Add more under the Scholar Level field to add this additional information.
- Select the language of your work from the drop-down menu.
- Include keywords associated with your thesis in the Keywords form field. To enter a keyword, type directly in the form field, and select Enter on your keyboard each time you finish writing a single keyword. Ensure that all keywords are written in lower case, unless they are an acronym or a proper noun (e.g., COVID-19, Canada).
- Include your abstract in the Abstract* field.
- Include any sponsors that funded your research (e.g., CIHR, SSHRC, NSERC) in the Sponsors field. Include the sponsor's name and grant number in the following format: Funder 1, Grant ABCDE || Funder 2, Grant 12345.
- If you must include a publisher and/or a copyright statement with your submission, add it to the form's Description field.
- If you have any related links, such as links to datasets or codes from external repositories, link them under the Related Datasets field. Include one dataset link per form field. To add more links, select the Add more button.
- To set an access condition on the file, select the Edit button beside the file. The edit button is a pencil and paper icon.
- Setting file access conditions: A new pop-up window will appear. You can edit key details of the file, including the file name, description, and file access conditions. You can also set an embargo for just the file, and not the complete UWSpace record in the pop-up box.
- Access Condition Options:
- Open access: The file will be available without any restriction.
- Administrator: The file will be restricted to site administrators.
- Embargo access condition: Under the Access Condition Type drop-down list, select embargo. In the Grant access from* section select the end date for the embargo.
- Lease: This option is available if a user wants to keep a file accessible until a specific date in the future. In the Grant access until* section, select the end date for the lease.
- Access Condition Options:
- Setting file access conditions: A new pop-up window will appear. You can edit key details of the file, including the file name, description, and file access conditions. You can also set an embargo for just the file, and not the complete UWSpace record in the pop-up box.
- You may also choose to add an open license to your work. Options include a Creative Commons licence or a Creative Commons Zero designation (i.e., Public Domain). If you select Creative Commons from the drop-down menu, you will be asked to complete the following form options:
- Will you allow commercial uses of your work?
- Will you allow modifications of your work?
- Select "International" as your license jurisdiction. Check off the box at the bottom of this section of the form and indicate that you grant the specific Creative Commons licence to the UWSpace submission.
- Read and agree to the terms outlined in the deposit license. To agree to the terms, select the checkbox* beside the statement “I confirm the license above”. You will not be able to submit your work without agreeing to the terms in the license.
- When you are ready to deposit, select the Deposit button on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
Submission Checking:
A UWSpace team member will then check your submission to ensure it is compliant with all copyright restrictions. Your submission will be checked within 5-7 business days of submission. If you have open access requirements, please submit well before your deadline to avoid delays.
Please note that we will return submissions to authors if they contain the following errors:
- You have included multiple keywords in one keyword field
- Your keywords are capitalized and not all in lowercase
- You have not included the publisher/journal name
- You have entered your title in all capital letters
- You have not entered all authors in your submission
- You have uploaded the incorrect version of the item for self-archiving
- You have not uploaded your file in PDF format
- You have not included the correct Creative Commons license for your submission (if required)
It is your responsibility to correct the errors indicated in the rejection notes before you resubmit.
Not ready to deposit yet? Select Save for later instead.
To access your submission again:
- Login to UWSpace.
- Select the arrow beside the person icon on the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- Select My UWSpace.
- Under the Show drop down menu, select Your Submissions.
- Find the submission you wish to edit and click the View button.
- Go to Filters > Status, under the Show drop down menu. Select Workspace to view items you have not submitted.
- Click Edit to make changes to the submission.