Biomedical Engineering and Technology Research Day 2024

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Afarin Khabbazian, a MASc student from our laboratory, presented her research with the poster title: "Magnetically actuated soft robots for applications in the urinary tract" in the Poster Showcase session at Biomedical Engineering and Technology Research Day on July 24, 2024.

Afarin Khabbazian is MASc student under the supervision of Dr. Behrad Khamesee and Dr. Veronika Magdanz.

Biomedical Engineering and Technology Research Day is a co-hosted event dedicated to showcasing the remarkable research endeavors of Master's and PhD students in Biomedical and Health Technology.

Biomedical Engineering and Technology Research Day was held on July 24, 2024 in E7 Event Space, University of Waterloo.

Event website:

Biomedical Engineering and Technology Research Day 2024