Lire en Français

Text Display Elements

Each line of verse text on the screen has the following elements:

  • Siglum
  • line number (e.g. F_y45 = La vie sainte Fey, l. 45).

Click Sigla for list of references.

Colour Codes:

Within the text coloured fonts are used as follows:

  • blue = expansion of abbreviations, normalization of letters
  • green = additions, changes, variants by main scribe
  • teal = text in Latin
  • grey = deletions by expunctuation or erasures by scribe
  • red (words, letters within the line) = editorial emendations
  • magenta (word or quoted string) = highlight colour of search engine query match
  • magenta (complete lines) = interversion of lines by editor
  • bold (black) = additions or corrections by later medieval hand
  • italic (black) = corrections by later medieval hand, rejected by editor
  • bold initial letters = large initial letters marking section breaks
  • raised cap bold initial letters = historiated initial letters at beginning of texts
  • text lines in red = rubrics