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Using the Search Menu

Search the Database for a word or phrase

Under the menu choice Word or phrase to be searched
in the space provided type any word or phrase; double quotation marks must surround phrases and leading and closing spaces. Inside the quotation marks the only punctuation marks allowed are the full stop (.), the colon (:), and the exclamation mark (!) (unless punctuation has been tagged as an entity reference; see below). E.g.:

  • " um " (with space before and after) will find all examples of just " um "
    • (1 match only: Bkt4618 A mei et a mun fiz nuvele um granment)
  • um (without leading or following spaces) will find all examples of um, either initial, final, or medial in a word (e.g. umbleavumhoumecumpaignun, as well as um ).

You can also search on tags and entity references

  • the latter include é  é ; or ' = ' (as in l'um); opening and closing double and single quotation marks:
  • "&odq;Sire&cdq;" = "Sire"
  • "&osq;Sire&csq;" = 'Sire'
  • "N'a&v;erét" = N'averét (Bkt1763  N’averét pais autrement,..)

 Look up matches

  • To see the text of matches displayed in the results screen of a search, click on Look up matches, which is displayed, along with the total number of matches, after the title of each text. This opens a new screen, listing all the matches, with the context chosen.

Browse this match

  • To scroll through the text, beginning with the column in which the match is found, click on Browse this match, found immediatedly after the number at the beginning of each match.

You can scroll through the complete corpus by clicking on Back or More when you reach the end of the column on the screen.

To exit the browsing function, click on the back button of your browser, or close the window.

Search Format

The menu allows you to choose the amount of text surrounding the matched word or phrase, from the following options:

  • 5 line window:
    • finds the match anywhere within text tagged as a line (within <v> tags).  The line including the match is printed, with two lines before and two lines following the line which contains the matched word or phrase
  • exact count:
    • finds all matches for the requested word or phrase, anywhere in the database. The search word or phrase can be plain text, or meta-textual data such as tags or entity references. No context is printed on the screen, just the requested word or phrase,and the total number of occurences. E.g. searching for 70513 finds the attribute value, giving the BL shelf mark for the Camspey manuscript, placed inside the <manuscript> tag.  Similarly, searching for 705 finds both 70513 and all line numbers containing 705, e.g. 17052705, ...,7050, 7051, ... (these are all attribute values, inside verse tags, as in <v ln=“705”>. To see the context of the matches, repeat the search, but change the context to column or page, and click on Look up matches.
  • line:
    • finds the match anywhere within text tagged as a line (within <v> tags).  The line including the match is printed. The total number of matches is given at the top of the first screen. Note: Searching using line will not find text in the rubrics, titles, etc., or any text not in a line of verse.
  • column:
    • finds the match inside column tags (coltop) and displays the column in which the match is found. Must be used to find any text not within line tags (i.e. <work>, <rubric>, titles, references to images, folio or column numbers).
  • page:
    • same as column, but searches for text between page tags (<pgtop>), and prints the complete page on which the match is found.

Using which stylesheet?

Allows you to choose how the text is displayed.  Currently defined styles include the following:

  • Standard:
    • displays text with normalized letters (i/j, u/v, ç/c, and t/c, n/u, etc.), punctuation, capitalization for proper names, é for stressed final -e, and colour coded text for various functions (see Sigla/Colours in menu bar,above).
  • Show all coding:
    • also prints the text of tags (.e.g. <sic corr="Reine">Qeine</sic>), and entity reference coding (used to code letters for normalization, accents, or large initials, e.g. &u;, &eacute;, &lgK2(3);).
  • Unnormalized:
    • prints text as in Standard, but without accents or normalization. 

Number of matches to display:

  • Allows you to specify the number of matches to display on the screen for each search (in any of the chosen formats, exact, line, 5 line window, etc.) You can choose to display more than 10 matches to be able to scroll through all the results of a given match on one screen (rather than using More and Back).

Continuing from which match?:

  • Allows you to jump to any point in the total number of matches found (useful for long lists of of matches). For example, in a search yielding 697 matches, you can choose to jump to number 611 to begin the display, by entering 611 and clicking Continue search. 

Start New Search

  • Launches a new search, while

Continue search

  • Allows you to return to your search results after browsing the context of one of the printed matches, or to jump to any arbitrary numbered match on the numbered list of total results.


  • Allows you to search all the texts (default value), or to select specific texts only. 

Back and More

  • Allow you to scroll through the printed results of a search, or to browse through the context of any match (or the complete electronic text).