Business courses at Wilfrid Laurier University

Wilfrid Laurier University undergraduate business courses: availability to University of Waterloo undergraduate students

For several decades, there has been a special “cross-registration agreement” between the University of Waterloo (Waterloo) and Wilfrid Laurier University (Laurier) that allows undergraduate degree students at both universities opportunities for access to undergraduate courses at the other university. Tuition fees for cross-registered courses are paid directly to the student’s home university. The student’s home university in turn financially compensates the host university that is offering the course. Such cross-registration opportunities, however, are normally available only when there is no equally suitable course offered at the student’s home university, and access is always conditional upon space availability. Each university, of course, gives enrollment priority to its own students.

All Laurier Business courses are offered by Laurier's Lazaridis School of Business and Economics. Such courses have course prefix Business ("BU") at Laurier, but appear with prefix Business ("BUS") on Waterloo records and 'W' attached to the course number (e.g., BU352 at Laurier versus BUS 352W at Waterloo).

Only students enrolled in Waterloo undergraduate degree programs are eligible to cross register for Laurier undergraduate Business courses. Waterloo graduate students and Post-Degree/Non-Degree students (including exchange students at Waterloo from another university) are not eligible to cross register for these courses. Such students are required to apply for admission to Laurier as non-degree or post-degree students if they wish to take Laurier business courses.

Laurier BUS courses are not normally available to Waterloo students when there is an equally suitable course offered at Waterloo.

Although Laurier's Lazaridis School of Business and Economics makes every effort within its own resource constraints to accommodate Waterloo student requests for Business courses, there is no guarantee of access for anyone. In some instances, space availability for Waterloo students is not finalized until just prior to the beginning of term. If there are more Waterloo student requests for a course than Laurier's Lazaridis School of Business and Economics can accommodate, priority for enrollment is normally given to students for whom the course is a degree requirement in their Waterloo academic plan.

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  1. The Waterloo special advisor monitors Waterloo student access to on-campus BUS courses
  2. Conventions for matching Laurier class sections with Waterloo class sections
  3. Quest pre-enrollment for on-campus BUS courses
  4. Quest self-enrollment for on-campus BUS courses
  5. BUS class sections on the Waterloo class schedule with a 1000 reserve cap for "Business Administration and Mathematics (BBA/BMath), and Business Administration and Computer Science (BBA/BCS) Double Degree (DD)" students
  6. How to proceed when you are unable to self-enroll on Quest for on-campus BUS courses
  7. Enrollment for Online Learning (OL) versions of BUS courses
  8. BUS course overrides (class capacity, course pre-requisites, time conflicts)
  9. Calendar course descriptions for BUS courses
  10. Laurier classrooms for on-campus BUS courses
  11. BUS course term offerings (on-campus and OL) and requisites (pre-requisites, co-requisites, anti-requisites) for Waterloo students

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1. The Waterloo special advisor monitors Waterloo student access to on-campus BUS courses

All Waterloo student inquiries about on-campus BUS courses should be directed to the Waterloo special advisor listed below.  Laurier's Lazaridis School of Business and Economics has designated this individual at Waterloo to act on its behalf.  This advisor, in consultation with Laurier's Lazaridis School of Business and Economics Undergraduate Office, is responsible for administering the course-access policies of Laurier's Lazaridis School of Business and Economics as they relate to Waterloo students taking on-campus BUS courses.

Dr. Ilham Akhundov - M3 2012, ext. 43113,

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2. Conventions for matching Laurier class sections with Waterloo class sections

Laurier lecture section designation Waterloo lecture section number
Conventions for matching Laurier and Waterloo class sections


B 002
C 003
D 004
E 005
F 006
G 007
H 008
I 009
J 010
K 011
L 012
M 013
N 014
P 016
Q 017
R 018
S 019
T 020
U 021
V 022
W 023
X 024
Y 025
Z 026
OC1, OC2, OC3, OC4, OC5 (all online) 099
A1 091
A2 092
A3 093
A4 094
A5 095
A6 096
A7 097
A8 098
A9 089
B1 041
B2 042
B3 043
B4 044
B5 045
B6 046
B7 047
B8 048
B9 015
CA 031
CB 032
CC 033
CD 034
CE 035
CF 036
CG 057
C1 059
C2 060
DA 040
D1 061
D2 062
DE 099
E1 063
E2 064
F1 027
F2 028
F3 029
H1 030
H2 058
H3 065
H4 066
IN 038
L1 067
L2 068
L3 069
L4 070
L5 076
L6 077
P1 071
P2 072
P3 073
P4 074
P5 075
S1 051
S2 052
S3 053
T1 054
T2 055
T3 056
WV 078
YA 037
YB 049
0 (digit zero) or blank 001

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3. Quest pre-enrollment for on-campus BUS courses

On-campus BUS courses are the only Laurier courses available to choose during course selection. Because space is always at such a premium in so many of the BUS courses, it is very important that Waterloo students choose such courses during the designated course selection period. While doing so does not guarantee access to the BUS courses of your choice, it does very considerably enhance your chances. In some instances, only enough space is provided to accommodate those students who chose the courses during the course selection period.

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4. Quest self-enrollmentfor on-campus BUS courses

All cross registrations for Laurier non-BUS courses require completion of a special Waterloo Undergraduate Studies Cross-Registration form, as do cross registrations for Online Learning (OL) versions of BUS courses. You cannot pre-enroll or self-enroll on Quest for courses that require a Cross-Registration Form. The Waterloo special advisors listed in section (1) above are not involved with any Laurier courses that require a Cross-Registration Form, but such forms do require an approval signature from your Waterloo academic advisor.

On-campus BUS courses, however, do not involve a Cross-Registration Form. In the majority of cases, Waterloo students in undergraduate degree programs may self-enroll on Quest for on-campus BUS course sections in the same manner as they do for Waterloo courses.

Section (6) below explains the procedure to follow when Quest does not allow self-enrollment for on-campus BUS courses.

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5. BUS class sections on the Waterloo class schedule with a 1000 reserve cap for “BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students”

A complete Waterloo class schedule for each relevant term is provided.


A large number of BUS class sections on the Waterloo class schedule have a 1000 reserve cap for DD students.  The 1000 figure refers to the number in the "Reserve: BBA/BMath-BCS Double Degree" row and "Enrl Cap" column for the course section in question.  

This 1000 number is merely a flag to indicate that some spaces in that section, and in many cases all of the available spaces, are being reserved exclusively for DD students. The actual number of such DD reserved spaces is obviously not 1000, but the precise number is not relevant to anyone other than DD students.  

Each class section has an "Overall enrollment cap" which is the number directly under the "Enrl Cap" heading for the course section in question.

Each class section has an "Overall enrollment total" which is the number directly under the "Enrl Tot" heading for the course section in question.

Situation 1 - DD reserve cap 1000 and overall enrollment cap 1000:

Both caps 1000 signify that Laurier's Lazaridis School of Business and Economics has not allocated any spaces for non-DD students.  DD students are the only ones eligible for that class section. 

When special circumstances warrant, exceptions for non-DD students can sometimes be arranged with Laurier's Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, but only through the Waterloo special advisors listed in section (1) above, and almost never for junior courses. Consult one of the Waterloo special advisors if you feel that your situation warrants special consideration.

Situation 2 - DD reserve cap 1000 and overall enrollment cap larger than 1000:

In such instances, Laurier's Lazaridis School of Business and Economics has made spaces available for non-DD students [see examples (i) and (ii) below for how to determine the actual number of such non-DD spaces]. These spaces tend, for the most part, to be taken by students who elected to choose the course during course selection for the term in question.

If Quest is blocking your self-enrollment because all of the non-DD spaces have already been taken, please consult one of the Waterloo special advisors listed in section (1) above to see if Laurier's Lazaridis School of Business and Economics is in a position to make additional non-DD spaces available.

Example (i):

DD reserve cap 1000, overall enrollment cap 1020, overall enrollment total 28, and 17 listed as enrolled opposite the DD reserve cap. In this case, 1020 - 1000 = 20 spaces have been provided for non-DD students and 28 - 17 = 11 non-DD students are already enrolled (leaving 9 non-DD spaces still available for self enrollment in that course section) along with 17 DD students.

Example (ii):

DD reserve cap 1000, overall enrollment cap 1005, overall enrollment total 15, and 10 listed as enrolled opposite the DD reserve cap. In this case, 1005 - 1000 = 5 spaces have been provided for non-DD students and 15 - 10 = 5 non-DD students are already enrolled (leaving no non-DD spaces still available in that course section) along with 10 DD students. 

In instances like Example (ii), consult one of the Waterloo special advisors listed in section (1) above to see if Laurier's Lazaridis School of Business and Economics is in a position to make additional non-DD spaces available.

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6. How to proceed when you are unable to self-enroll on Quest for on-campus BUS courses

There are four primary reasons [(a) through (d) below] why you may not be able to successfully self-enroll on Quest for on-campus BUS courses:

(a) If your Quest attempt to self-enroll was unsuccessful because “course requisites not met”, consult the chart below to determine whether you satisfy the listed course requisites for the BUS course of interest to you. 

If you do satisfy the listed course requisites, contact one of the Waterloo special advisors listed in section (1) above. However if, you do not satisfy the listed course requisites, consult section (8) below.

(b) If your Quest attempt to self-enroll was unsuccessful because of “time conflicts”, consult section (8) below.

(c) If your Quest attempt to self-enroll was unsuccessful because of space and/or reserve cap limitations, consult section (5) above, and if appropriate, consult one of the Waterloo special advisors listed in section (1) above.

(d) If the BUS course (or the particular lecture section of interest to you) does not appear on the Waterloo schedule of classes for undergraduate students, please consult the Laurier on-campus class schedule to confirm that the course (or particular lecture section) is actually being offered.

Note: Lecture sections designated “Must be enrolled in Honours Business” or "BBA only" on the Laurier class schedule are not available to Waterloo non-DD students.  These sections are reserved exclusively for Laurier honours BBA students [which include Waterloo BBA/Bath and BBA/BCS Double Degree (DD) students] and there are no exceptions.

If the BUS course section of interest to you is indeed being offered (and it is not restricted to Laurier BBA students), consult the Waterloo special advisor listed in section (1) above to see if the Laurier SBE is in a position to make non-DD spaces available in that section.

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7. Enrollment for Online Learning (OL) versions of BUS courses

The Waterloo special advisors listed in (1) above are not involved with Waterloo students taking Laurier Online Learning courses, BUS or otherwise.

Please consult the Laurier Online Learning course offerings website to confirm which BUS courses are scheduled to be offered in Online Learning mode in the term(s) of interest to you. All Waterloo student requests for Laurier Online Learning courses, BUS or otherwise, require completion of a Waterloo Undergraduate Studies Cross-Registration form that requires an approval signature from your Waterloo academic advisor. We recommend that you make a copy of the approved form before submitting the original for processing.

The signed form should be submitted to the Waterloo Registrar’s Office, which in turn contacts the Laurier Registrar’s Office to confirm whether there is a space available for you. Assuming that such space is available, the Waterloo Registrar’s Office then enrolls you in the course on Quest. Otherwise, it will notify you via email that Laurier cannot accommodate your request.

Final enrollment is not assured until the Laurier Registrar’s Office has processed your request and the Waterloo Registrar’s Office has added the course to your Waterloo class schedule (viewable on Quest). This whole process may take several days to complete. Shortly thereafter, the Laurier Registrar’s Office will contact you to confirm your enrollment and to explain the follow up steps involved in taking a Laurier Online Learning course.

If you have any course(s) that you wish to have dropped by the Waterloo Registrar’s Office when the requested BUS Online Learning course is added to your Waterloo class schedule, you should explicitly designate the course(s) on your Cross-Registration Form.

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8. BUS course overrides (class capacity, course pre-requisites, time conflicts)

Laurier's Lazaridis School of Business and Economics retains complete control of undergraduate BUS course space allocation within its Undergraduate Office. That office does not normally waive course pre-requisites and it does not approve requests for class-time conflicts. Individual BUS course instructors who wish to make such special exceptions, or to override existing class capacity limits, must seek approval from Laurier's Lazaridis School of Business and Economics Undergraduate Office. Only under very special circumstances are such requests normally approved.

To deal with special requests from Waterloo students who have not been able to self-enroll on Quest for the on-campus BUS class of their choice, Laurier's Lazaridis School of Business and Economics has designated the Waterloo special advisors listed in section (1) above to act on its behalf.

Laurier BUS course instructors and Laurier's Lazaridis School of Business and Economics Undergraduate Office personnel no longer sign Waterloo Course Override forms or Waterloo Undergraduate Studies Cross-Registration forms. All such special requests for BUS courses require approval instead from the designated Waterloo special advisor in section (1) above.

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9. Calendar course descriptions for BUS courses

Course descriptions for Laurier BUS courses can be found in the Laurier undergraduate calendar. The requisites in that calendar, of course, are for Laurier students. Waterloo students should consult the downloadable chart in section (11) below for requisites that apply to them.

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10. Laurier classrooms for on-campus BUS courses

Laurier classrooms for on-campus BUS courses are not included on individual Waterloo Quest class schedules nor on the Waterloo web class schedule. The Laurier class schedule includes rooms.

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11. BUS course term offerings (on-campus and OL) and requisites (pre-requisites, co-requisites, anti-requisites) For waterloo students

Laurier BUS course Course title Normal on-campus term offerings Normal distance ed term offerings Course prerequisites and corequisites for University of Waterloo Students University of Waterloo plan exclusions Anti-requisite courses for University of Waterloo students
BUS 111W Understanding the Business Environment Fall (F), winter (W), spring (S) None     AFM 131
BUS 121W

Critical Thinking and Communication Skills

W, S None      
BUS 127W Introduction to Financial Accounting F, W S   All Waterloo students, except BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS DD students AFM 101, 121, 123; BUS 227W
BUS 223W Fundamentals of Finance F, W None BUS 121W; one of AFM 131, BUS 111W; (one of AFM 101, BUS 127W; one of AFM 102, BUS 247W) or (one of AFM 123, BUS 237W) BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS DD students and Math/Business students ACTSC 371, 372; AFM 271; 371; ACTSC 291/AFM 272; ACTSC 391/AFM 372; BUS 383W, 393W; ECON 371
BUS 231W Business Law F, W, S F, W, S   All Waterloo students, except BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS DD students AFM 231, CIVE 491, ENVS 201, GENE  411, ME 401, COMM 231
BUS 233W Personal Finance F F, S   BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS DD students and Math/Business students  
BUS 247W Managerial Accounting F, W, S F, W, S One of AFM 101, BUS 127W All Waterloo students, except BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS DD students AFM 102, 123; MSCI 262
BUS 252W Introduction to Marketing Management F, W, S None One of AFM 131, BUS 111W   ECON 344 / MGMT 244/ BUS 352W
BUS 275W Business Decision Models W, S S BUS 255W or (any Waterloo introductory statistics course (e.g. ECON 221)) Math faculty students CO 227, 250, 355; MSCI 331
BUS 283W Financial Management 1 F, W, S F Any Waterloo introductory statistics course (e.g. STAT 231); one of AFM 101, BUS 127W Math/Business students  ACTSC 371, 372; AFM 271, 371; ACTSC 291/AFM 272; ACTSC 391/AFM 372; BUS 223W; ECON 371
BUS 288W Organizational Behaviour 1 F, W None BUS 121; one of AFM 131, BUS 111W Math/Business students - all Waterloo students, except BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS DD students  BUS 228W; MSCI 211, 311; PSYCH 338/238
BUS  352W Introduction to Marketing Management F, W, S None One of AFM 131, BUS 111W   ECON 344 / MGMT 244/ BUS 252W
BUS 353W Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance W, S None Any Waterloo introductory statistics course (e.g. STAT 231); one of ACTSC 291, 371, 372, AFM 271, 272, BUS 383W, ECON 371   MTHEL 305A, MTHEL 305B
BUS  354W Human Resources Management F, W None

BUS 121; one of AFM 131, BUS 111W; one of BUS 288W, MSCI 211, PSYCH 338/238

Math/Business students - all Waterloo students, except BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS DD students  HRM 200, PSYCH 339
BUS 357W Taxation 1 F, W, S None One of AFM 101, BUS 127W   AFM 361
BUS 362W Applied Marketing F, W, S None BUS 121; one of AFM 131, BUS 111W; one of BUS 252W, BUS 352W,ECON 344 / MGMT 244    
BUS 375W Operations Management W, S None Any Waterloo introductory statistics course (e.g. STAT 231) All Waterloo students, except BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS DD students  BUS 385W, BUS 395W
BUS 387W Intermediate Accounting 1 F, W, S None One of AFM 101, BUS 127W; one of AFM 102; BUS 247W   AFM 291, COMM 321
BUS 393W Financial Management 2 F, W, S None Any Waterloo introductory statistics course (e.g. STAT 231); One of BUS 383W, ECON 371; one of AFM 101, BUS 127W Math/Business students  ACTSC 371, 372; AFM 271, 371; ACTSC 291/AFM 272; ACTSC 391/AFM 372; BUS 223W
BUS 397W Intermediate Accounting 2 F, W, S None BUS 387W   AFM 391, COMM 321
BUS 398W Organizational Behaviour 2 W, S None BUS 288W Math/Business students  BUS 228W; MSCI 211, 311; PSYCH 338/238
BUS 403W Entrepreneurial Finance W None BUS 393W and ECON 260W or (ACTSC 372; one of AFM 101, BUS 127W; ECON 201)    
BUS 405W Procurement and Supply Management F, W None BUS 395W or (any Waterloo introductory statistics course (e.g., STAT 231); MSCI 432; one of CO 250, 255 MSCI 331)    
BUS 408W Recruitment and Selection F, W None BUS 354W or (HRM 200; BUS 121W; one of AFM 131, BUS 111W; one of BUS 288W, MSCI 211, PSYCH 338/238)    
BUS 411W Business Strategy for Sustainability W None BUS 354W or (HRM 200; BUS 121W; one of AFM 131, BUS 111W; one of BUS 288W, MSCI 211, PSYCH 338/238) Math/Business students   
BUS 412W Services Marketing Management F, W, S None BUS 362W    
BUS 413W Personal Financial Planning and Management F, W, S None BUS 393W or (ACTSC 372, one of AFM 101, BUS 127W)    
BUS  414W Occupational Health and Safety F, W None BUS 354W or (HRM 200; one of AFM 131, BUS 111W; One of BUS 288W, MSCI 211, PSYCH 338/238)    
BUS 415W Introduction to Management Information Systems F, W, S None BUS 121W; one of AFM 131; BUS 111W; one of CS 116, 135; Level 3A or above BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS DD students and Math/Business students AFM 241; BUS 476W; BUS 486W; CS 330; CS 490
BUS 416W International Finance and Accounting W None BUS 393W    
BUS 417W Financial Statement Analysis F None

Prerequisite: BUS 427W        Corequisite: BUS 467W

All Waterloo students, except BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS DD students AFM 492, COMM 421
BUS 418W Strategic Human Resources Planning F, W None BUS 354W or (HRM 200; BUS 121W; one of AFM 131, BUS 111W; one of BUS 288W, MSCI 211, PSYCH 338/238)   HRM 301
BUS 419W Property and Liability Insurance Management W None MTHEL 131    
BUS 421W Managing the Family Enterprise W None Prerequisite: BUS 288W Corequisite: BUS 354W    
BUS 422W Marketing Research F, W None Any Waterloo introductory statistics course (e.g. STAT 231); BUS 121W; One of AFM 131, BUS 111W; one of BUS 252W, BUS 352W, ECON 344 / MGMT 244    
BUS 423W Options, Futures and Swaps F, W, S None BUS 393W or (ACTSC 372, one of AFM 101, BUS 127W)   ACTSC 446, AFM 474, ECON 372, MATBUS 470
BUS 429W Capital Market Issues in Property and Liability Insurance F None ACTSC 372 or BUS 393W    
BUS 431W Management Consulting Practicum F, W, S None BUS 252/BUS 352, BUS 354W, permission from the instructor   BUS 461XW
BUS 432W Consumer Behaviour F, W None BUS 362W   PSYCH 438
BUS 433W Management of Financial Institutions W None BUS 393W or (ACTSC 372; one of AFM 101, BUS 127W)   MATBUS 472
BUS 435W Supply Chain Management F, W None BUS 395W or (any Waterloo introductory statistics course (e.g., STAT 231); MSCI 432; one of CO 250, 255, MSCI 331)   MSCI 434
BUS 440W New Venture Creation W, S None Any Waterloo introductory statistics course (e.g. STAT 231); BUS 121W; one of AFM 131, BUS 111W; one of BUS 252W, BUS 352W, ECON 344 / MGMT 244; one of ACTSC 371, BUS 383W, ECON 371; one of AFM 101, BUS 127W  

COMM 400

BUS 442W Marketing and Society S None BUS 362W   BUS 492W
BUS 443W International Financial Management F, S None BUS 393W and ECON 260W or (ACTSC 372; one of AFM 101, BUS 127W; ECON 201)   ECON 332
BUS 445W Information Systems for Supply Chain Management W, S None BUS 395W or (any Waterloo introductory statistics course (e.g., STAT 231); MSCI 432; one of CO 250, 255 MSCI 331)    
BUS 448W Strategic Compensation in Canada W None BUS 354W or (HRM 200; one of AFM 131, BUS 111W; One of BUS 288W, MSCI 211, PSYCH 338/238)    
BUS 449W Fixed Income Analysis W, S None ACTSC 372   MATBUS 471
BUS 451W Law and Entrepreneurship F, W None One of AFM 231, BUS 231W, COMM 231    
BUS 452W Marketing Strategy F, W None BUS 362W    
BUS 453W Working Capital Management W, S None BUS 393W and ECON 260W or (ACTSC 372, one of AFM 101, BUS 127W; ECON 201)    
BUS 455W Transportation and Facilities Management W, S None BUS 395W or (any Waterloo introductory statistics course (e.g., STAT 231); MSCI 432; one of CO 250, 255 MSCI 331)    
BUS 459W Marketing and Social Networks F, W None BUS 362W; co-requisite: BUS 432W   BUS 492W
BUS 462W Business-to-Business Marketing F, W None BUS 121W; one of AFM 131, BUS 111W; one of BUS 252W, BUS 352W, ECON 344 / MGMT 244    
BUS 463W Advanced Corporate Finance W, S None BUS 393W and ECON 260W or (ACTSC 372; one of AFM 101, BUS 127W; ECON 201)   AFM 473, ACTSC 471/AFM 476
BUS 464W Labour Relations W, S None BUS 354W or (HRM 200; one of AFM 131, BUS 111W; one of BUS 288, MSCI 211, PSYCH 338/238)    
BUS 466W Taxation 2 F, W, S None BUS 357W   AFM 461
BUS 467W Advanced Management Accounting F, W, S None Any Waterloo introductory statistics course (e.g. STAT 231); one of AFM 102, BUS 247W   AFM 481
BUS 469W Global Marketing Management W None BUS 362W    
BUS 470W Brand Management F, W, S None BUS 362W    
BUS 472W Marketing Communications F, W, S None BUS 362W    
BUS 473W Investment Management F, W None BUS 393W and ECON 260W or (any Waterloo introductory statistics course (e.g. STAT 231); One of ACTSC 372, ECON 371; One of AFM 101, BUS 127W; ECON 201)   AFM 472
BUS 474W Training and Development F, S None BUS 398W or (BUS 121W; one of AFM 131, BUS 111W; MSCI 311; one of MSCI 211, PSYCH 338/238)   PSYCH 340
BUS 477W Auditing F, W, S None BUS 397W   AFM 451
BUS 479W High-Tech Marketing W, S None BUS 362W    
BUS 481W Business Policy I F, W, S None

BUS 121W; one of AFM 131, BUS 111W; one of ACTSC 371, ACTSC 291/AFM 272, AFM 271, BUS 383W, ECON 371, MATBUS 371.

For ITM students: BUS 121W; one of AFM 131, BUS 111W; ACTSC 221 or ACTSC 231

BUS 482W Sales Management F None BUS 362W    
BUS 483W Life and Health Insurance W None BUS 393W or (ACTSC 372; one of AFM 101, BUS 127W)    
BUS 485W Environmental Management for Operations S None BUS 395W or (any Waterloo introductory statistics course (e.g. STAT 231); MSCI 432; one of CO 250, 255, MSCI 311)    
BUS 486W Data Analytics and Accounting Info Systems F, W, S None Prerequisite: BUS 387W corequisite:  BUS 477W  

BUS 415W, CS 330, CS 490

BUS 487W Advanced Accounting F, W, S None BUS 397W   AFM 491, BUS 427W
BUS 488W Leadership W None BUS 398W or (BUS 121W; One of AFM 131, BUS 111W; MSCI 311; One of MSCI 211, PSYCH 338/238)     
BUS 491W Strategic Management 2 F, W, S None BUS 481W    
BUS 492W Seminar in Marketing Irregular None BBA/BMath or BBA/BCS Double Degree students; level 4A or higher    
BUS 493W Seminar in Finance Irregular None BBA/BMath or BBA/BCS Double Degree students; level 4A or higher    
BUS 493XW CFA Level I Review Irregular None BBA/BMath or BBA/BCS Double Degree students; level 4A or higher    
BUS 495W Seminar on Quantitative Business Analysis/Operations Management Irregular None BBA/BMath or BBA/BCS Double Degree students; level 4A or higher    
BUS 496W Special Topics in Accounting Irregular None BBA/BMath or BBA/BCS Double Degree students; level 4A or higher    
BUS 497W Seminar in Accounting Irregular None BBA/BMath or BBA/BCS Double Degree students; level 4A or higher    
BUS 498W Seminar in Organizational Behaviour Irregular None BBA/BMath or BBA/BCS Double Degree students; level 4A or higher    

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Last revised: June 6, 2024