A team from the FARM program competed in the PRMIA Risk Management Challenge (Professional Risk Managers’ International Association) held in Toronto on February 19, 2019. It was the first time a University of Waterloo team competed in the PRMIA Challenge. The team consisting of Zheyang (Michael) Ren (FARM 4B), Ludwig Lie (FARM 4B), Yixuan (Bella) Zhou (FARM 4B), Mingxi (Alice) Li (FARM 2B) was chosen by PRMIA after the first round of competition to represent the University of Waterloo at the second (regional) round in Toronto. At the second round, among the seven regional finalists, the University of Waterloo team was the only team representing an undergraduate program. Although the University of Waterloo team did not get selected for the third and final round this time, our team left strong impression on the judges and organizers.
Congratulations to Michael, Ludwig, Alice and Bella for this achievement and establishing FARM program’s presence in the PRMIA Challenge!