
David Landriault is a Professor in Statistics and Actuarial Science, and a Steering Committee Member for the Math Business and Accounting Unit.
Research interests
Actuarial Science, Quantitative Risk Management, Applied Probability, Stochastic Process, Risk and Ruin Theory, Stochastic Control Problems in Insurance and Finance, Stochastic Modelling in Insurance
- F.C.I.A., 2009, Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA)
- F.S.A., 2006, Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (SOA)
- Postdoctoral fellowship in actuarial science, 2006, University of Waterloo
- PhD in Mathematics, 2005, Laval University
- MSc in Mathematics, 2003, Laval University
- BSc in Actuarial Science, 2002, Laval University