3rd Community Care Access Centre (CCAC)/Saint Elizabeth Culture Change Coalition (CCC) Meeting

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Today, our CCC welcomed even more new members – a representative from the Alzheimer Society of Huron County and several Saint Elizabeth personal support workers. Consistent attendance at our meetings is still a challenge, so we discussed ways to include the perspectives of all members, particularly those unable to attend meetings.

This was a really critical meeting, as we began to explore Appreciative Inquiry (AI), specifically, the Discovery phase. Learning about AI created a ‘light bulb’ moment, where it shined a light on how to approach challenges in our work and personal lives. We completed a group Discovery experience where we explored the experience of being included and excluded in a partnership and challenged assumptions about people with dementia (See the Dawning Toolkit (PDF) on the Partnership in Dementia Care website). The discussion and insights that emerged from this exercise was amazing. We continued revising the CARE Profile questionnaire and discussed how we may want to pilot the survey before administering it to Saint Elizabeth/South West CCAC members.