Milton Good Library
The PACS program is located at Conrad Grebel University College, which also houses the Milton Good Library. This library specializes in Peace and Conflict Studies collections and is an excellent resource to PACS students! Laureen Harder-Gissing, the PACS Liaison Librarian, is also located at Grebel and is available to provide specialized research assistance to PACS students.
Student Success Office
The Student Success Office offers study skills workshops, online resources to help you organize and manage your university life (academically and otherwise), peer mentorship programs, and so much more.
Writing and Communication Centre
The Writing and Communication Centre offers workshops, drop-in appointments, and online resources to help you improve your writing and communication skills. From getting help on a specific piece of writing to developing those presentation skills, the Writing Centre is a great resource.
Centre for Career Action
The Centre for Career Action offers workshops, one-on-one career advising, and an abundance of career-related resources. Appointments can be booked with a career advisor to discuss career exploration and strategy, job search tactics, mock interviews, and resumes. Generally, you can book up to 3 sessions for each appointment during your time at Waterloo.
For more information or questions about PACS or for academic advising, contact Ndagire Brendah.