Eric Helleiner


Dr. Helleiner's CV

Eric Helleiner

Areas of specialization

International political economy,

International money and finance,

History of political economy

BA (Toronto), MSc (London School of Economics), PhD (London School of Economics)

Research profile

Single authored books include:

  • The Contested World Economy: The Deep and Global Roots of International Political Economy (Cambridge, 2023)

  • The Neomercantilists: A Global Intellectual History (Cornell University Press, 2021)
  • The Status Quo Crisis: Global Financial Governance After the 2008 Meltdown (Oxford, 2014)
  • The Forgotten Foundations of Bretton Woods: International Development and the Making of the Postwar Order (Cornell, 2014)
  • Towards North American Monetary Union? The Politics and History of Canada's Exchange Rate Regime (McGill-Queen's, 2006)
  • The Making of National Money: Territorial Currencies in Historical Perspective (Cornell, 2003)
  • States and the Reemergence of Global Finance (Cornell, 1994)

Co-edited books include:

  • Nation-States and Money (1999), 
  • Economic Nationalism in a Globalizing World (2005), 
  • The Future of the Dollar (2009), 
  • Global Finance in Crisis: The Politics of International Regulatory Change (2010),
  • The Great Wall of Money: Politics and Power in China's International Monetary Relations (2014).
  • Governing the World’s Biggest Market: The Politics of Derivatives Regulation After the 2008 Crisis (forthcoming)

Eric has also edited/co-edited a number of special issues/sections of journals on the following topics: The Political Economy of International Capital Mobility (1994), The Geopolitics of North-South Monetary Relations (2002), At Home Abroad? The Dollar's Destiny as a World Currency (2008), The Geopolitics of Sovereign Wealth Funds (2009), Crisis and the Future of Global Financial Governance (2009), and The Greening of Global Financial Markets? (2011). In addition, he has published over 100 journal articles and book chapters and is presently co-editor of the book series Cornell Studies in Money.

For a full list of publications please see Dr. Helleiner's CV .

Awards and honours

  • IPE Best Book Award (International Studies Association)
  • IPE Distinguished Scholar Award (International Studies Association)
  • Killam Research Fellowship
  • Francesco Guicciardini Prize for Best Book in Historical International Relations
  • Canadian Political Science Association Prize in International Relations 
  • UW Excellence in Arts Award
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
  • Trudeau Foundation Fellows Prize
  • Donner Book Prize
  • Marvin Gelber Essay Prize in International Relations
  • Symons Award for Excellence in Teaching


Professor Helleiner teaches courses on global politics, international political economy, globalization, global governance, politics of global finance, and the state and economic life.

"My goal is to get students as interested and excited about studying the politics of the global economy as I am. It's a fascinating and extremely important inter-disciplinary subject, and I hope to help undergraduate and graduate students understand its significance and complexities."

Contact information

Office: Hagey Hall 304

Balsillie School of International Affairs web page