Jingjing Huo

Associate Professor
Jingjing Huo.

Areas of specialization

Political economy,

Political parties,

Research methods


BA (Xian Foreign); MA (Ohio); PhD (North Carolina)

Jingjing has a Bachelor of Arts in English from Xian Foriegn Languages University, China, 2000; Master of Science in Journalism from Ohio University in 2001; PhD in Political Science from University of North Carolina in 2006. 

Dr. Huo’s main research interests are political economy and political parties (advanced industrialized countries) and political methods. Current projects focus on the impact of interest mobilization and institutions on policy making and policy outcomes.

Recent Publications


Huo, Jingjing. 2015. How Nations Innovate: The Political Economy of Technological Innovation in Affluent Capitalist Economies. Oxford University Press.

How Nations Innovate compares how affluent capitalist economies differ in their patterns of technological innovation. Building on the 'varieties of capitalism' literature, this book goes beyond the traditional focus on 'radical versus incremental innovation' in existing scholarship, and takes the comparison of capitalism to an entirely new set of questions around technological innovation. For example, which type of capitalism engages in job-threatening innovation? Whose innovation widens income inequality? Whose innovation raises productivity? Which type of capitalism has more effective financial markets for innovation? Whose innovators emphasize 'control' rather than 'flexibility' during innovation?

Huo, Jingjing. 2009. Third Way Reforms: Social Democracy after the Golden Age. Cambridge University Press.

Journal Articles & Book Chapters

Huo, Jingjing. Forthcoming. “Left Partisanship and Top Management Pay in Affluent Capitalist Democracies.” Social Forces.

Huber, Evelyne, Huo, Jingjing, ad John D. Stephens. Forthcoming. “Power, Policy, and Top Income Shares.” Socio-Economic Review.

Huo, Jingjing, and John D. Stephens. 2015. “From Industrial Corporatism to the Social Investment State,” in The Oxford Handbook of Transformations of the State, ed. Stephan Leibfried, Frank Nullmeier, Evelyne Huber, Matthew Lange, Jonah Levy, and John D. Stephens. New York: Oxford University Press.

Huo, Jingjing. 2014. “Insider and Public Information in Varieties of Capitalism.” Socio-Economic Review, 12(3), pp. 489-515.

Huo, Jingjing, and Hui Feng. 2010. “The Political Economy of Technological Innovation and Employment” Comparative Political Studies, 43(3), pp. 329-352.

Huo, Jingjing. 2009. “The Role of Inter-firm Networks in Technological Innovation and Education” Comparative Political Studies, 42(5), pp.587-610.

Huo, Jingjing, Nelson, Moira, and John D. Stephens. 2008. “Social Democracy and the Labour Market: Activation or Decommodification?” Journal of European Social Policy, 18(1), pp. 5-20.

Links and additional information

For a full list of publications please see Dr. Huo's Curriculum Vitae (PDF)

Balsillie School of International Affairs web page

Contact information

Email: jjhuo@uwaterloo.ca
Office: Hagey Hall 310
Phone: x48396