NSERC/OCE TargetGHG Collaborative R&D Program


NSERC/OCE TargetGHG Collaborative R&D Program 


Call for Expression of Interest

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) is pleased to partner with Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) in the TargetGHG Collaborative R&D Program. This joint initiative aims to enable technology development between post-secondary institutions and industry partners for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It will support Ontario’s 2020-2030 targets and the Government of Canada’s commitment to developing innovative clean technologies that promote environmental sustainability. This program provides a maximum 1:2 leverage on industry partners’ cash and in-kind contributions.

Office of Research deadline:

February 21, 2017

Program deadline:

February 28, 2017, before 2 p.m. 

July 2017

Funding start date: September 2017

Research focus areas:


The objective of the TargetGHG Collaborative R&D Program is to support technologies that address Ontario’s greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for years 2020-2030. The program encourages for-profit businesses with GHG reduction technologies to collaborate with postsecondary research institutions, to foster innovation and drive commercialization.


OCE will support large research endeavours with awards of up to $800,000 per project towards direct costs for up to three years.

Length of project:

Project terms should not exceed 3 years

Industry partner:

The lead industry partner must have a R&D presence and/or manufacturing operations in Ontario and must be expected to commercialize the R&D results of the project for the benefit of Ontario.

The lead industry partner must have a minimum of two full-time employees and have been in operation for at least two years.

Industry partners that are at pre-revenue stages are required to complete an additional eligibility assessment for the NSERC CRD/ARD programs prior to submission of an EOI.For a maximum funding request, the Ontario-based industry partner(s) must provide matching funds to the post-secondary institutions of at least $400,000 in cash plus at least $400,000 of eligible in-kind support (plus institutional overhead of 30%).

Program submission instructions:

Submit application to Ivette.vera-perez@oce-ontario.org  Additional application instructions provided on OCE website

Office of Research application procedure:

1.      Submit Cover Sheet

2.      Copy of all proposal files to Office of Research contact below

Office of Research contact:

Jennifer Ranford

Program contact:

Ivette Vera-Perez, TargetGHG Manager, Ontario Centres of Excellence
416-861-1092, ext. 1033