Information-consent samples

Guide to Creating an Information Letter and Consent Form Information Letter Samples | Consent Form Samples | Resources

An information-consent letter is used most often to inform a potential participant about a research study and to document a participant's agreement to take part in the study.

Guide to Creating an Information Letter and Consent Form

The guide to creating an information letter and consent form (docx) is intended to provide researchers with the information needed to develop their information letters and consent documents. TCPS 2, Article 3.2 indicates that “Researchers shall provide to participants, or authorized third parties, full disclosure of all information necessary for making an informed decision to participate in the research project.”

The guide to creating an information letter and consent form (docx) was developed as a resource for researchers to use when developing their materials.

Information Letter Samples

The samples below are intended to be examples of information letters. When developing your information letter refer to the guide and use the samples as a starting place. All information letters should be accompanied by a consent material documenting how consent is obtained.  

Sample information letters
Data collection method Sample information letter
Paper-pencil surveys

Anonymous in-person survey (docx)

Mail out survey (docx)

Anonymous online surveys Anonymous online survey  (docx)
In-lab procedures (e.g., fMRI, electromyography, other physiological procedures)

Behavioral Study with fMRI (docx)

Biomechanical modeling (docx)

Procedures involving supplement ingestion and blood draw (docx)

In-lab procedures (e.g., surveys, computer tasks)

Human systems engineering research (docx)

Psychology behaviour study (docx)

Clinical trials involving exercise program Clinical Trial involving exercise program  (docx)
Interviews Interview ICL (docx)
Focus groups Focus group  (docx)
Studies with children as participants

Parent ICL for research with children in daycare (docx)

Parent letter for research with children (docx)

Child or Youth assent letter (docx)

Parent letter for study conducted outside of school setting (docx)

Course project

Information from course instructor introducing the project (docx)

Student course project interview letter (docx)

Deception studies (Note: see guidelines for using deception and partial disclosure)

Deception debriefing information letter (docx)

Debriefing verbal script used with debriefing information letter (docx)

Online post study deception debriefing ICL (docx)

Consent and Permission Form Samples

Consent and permission forms are generally used with an information letter. These forms document a participant’s agreement to take part in the study. Depending on the study methods and context, permission may also be needed to use quotations, take audio or video recordings, take photographs/digital images, or to store and use data for future research.

While consent is typically obtained in written form, researchers may obtain consent in other ways such as orally or verbally. Consent is to be document regardless of the method chosen (TCPS 2, Article 3.12).

Method for obtaining consent and sample consent material
Method for obtaining consent  Sample consent material
Written  Written consent form (docx)

Verbal consent script for interviews (docx)

Online (e.g., online surveys) Online consent form (docx)
Parental consent form for research with child

Parent consent form (docx)

Child or youth assent form (docx)

Post de-briefing (e.g., for studies using deception) Post debriefing consent form (docx)


Waterloo finance policy on remuneration to research participants

Waterloo guidelines for using plain language in participant materials

Waterloo guidelines for recruiting people to surveys using crowdsourcing

Waterloo guidelines for storing data and information

Updated June 2023