Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University co-ordinated review process

The Research Ethics Boards (REBs) at the University of Waterloo and the Research Ethics Board (REB) at Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU) have established an alternative review model for research involving investigators from both institutions.

Objective of the joint review process

The objective of this coordinated review process is to streamline the ethical review process for Waterloo and WLU researchers by providing a single point of contact at their home institution. The coordination of simultaneous review is expected to eliminate the need for consecutive review at both institutions and reduce the time researchers experience obtaining ethics clearance for multi-site research. This process is also expected to aid researchers in handling comments made by one REB that then requires approval as a modification to another REB.

It is expected that the Waterloo-WLU coordinated review process will continue to evolve over time as outlined in the Ethic Review Agreement between the two institutions. Future changes to this process shall be made by mutual agreement between the REBs and review of this agreement will be undertaken annually.

A researcher submitting an application for the coordinated  review process agrees that all information provided, or later requested can be freely shared between the REBs. 

Who to contact with questions

Contact Karen Pieters, Manager, Research Ethics, University of Waterloo before you submit your application for review.