A contributed talk pertaining to the scope of the MCQMC conference can be given by any registered participant who is not already giving a talk in a special session. Abstracts for contributed talks should be submitted by Friday, March 15, 2024. Please use the template or Overleaf link as below to submit an abstract and rename the file to FirstNameLastName.tex and FirstNameLastName.pdf, based on the name of the speaker, before submitting these files to the webform.
This submission portal should also be used by special session speakers who have been instructed to submit their individual talk abstract by their session organizer/s. These session talk abstracts should use the same template and formatting as above and be submitted by April 5, 2024. For the convenience of the conference organizers, please write the title of the special session you have been asked to speak in the ‘Additional comments’ at the end of the submission form.
Please follow the instructions given in the templates. This is to avoid problems when compiling the program book of the conference. Please refrain from change the preamble of the .tex file, and from adding your own commands and macros. Please do not use the \bibliography environment or .bibtex files.
Please note that as a general rule, each conference participant should give at most one talk. Plenary and tutorial speakers, in addition to their plenary talk or tutorial, can give one additional talk.
Latex Abstract Template | Overleaf template for talk abstract