Flex Dollars vs Meal Plan funds
There are two types of funds that can be added to your WatCard.
Flex Dollars - Can be used at any location that accepts WatCard. This includes both on-campus vendors and off-campus vendors. Some of the uses for Flex Dollars include:
- W Store - Buying text books, University of Waterloo brand clothing and apparel.
- W Print - The campus printing service.
- Laundry - Used to pay for laundry at all university run residences.
Meal Plan - Useable at more than 25 University of Waterloo Food Services locations. Offers varying levels of discount depending on which Traditional Residence Meal Plan or Suite Style Residence Optional Meal Plan you purchase.
If you would like to make a change to your meal plan you can do so using our meal plan change form from 1 week prior to the start of term until 1 month into the term.
Information for cardholders
Add funds - Lets you add funds to your own WatCard using your WatIAM username and password. The add funds payment is processed through Bambora and both credit and debit cards can be used for adding money to your card.
Please read the information regarding the University of Waterloo's data privacy policy, and the WatCard policies that govern the use of your WatCard.
Deactivate your WatCard - Lets you deactivate your card online to protect your account from unwanted use.
We recommend you deactivate your WatCard any time your card is not in your possession and you are unsure about its location as the cardholder is responsible for all transactions made with the card.
To reactivate your WatCard simply bring your card to our service counter located in the Needles Hall(NH) building inside the Centre.
Reset your password - Lets you reset the password you use for managing your account. Enter your account number and a reset verification code will be emailed to the email address we have recorded.
Manage your WatCard - Lets you view the information on your WatCard account including account balances and transaction history. Also allows access to the other account features such as adding funds and resetting your pin.