Multi-type list

Block setup

Elements to consider when building Multi-type list blocks:

Content types

The Multi-type list block can be configured to include any or all of the following content types:

  • Blog posts
  • Events
  • News items
  • Opportunities

Block appearance

The appearance of the Multi-type list can be customized in a few select ways.

The order of the content types can be rearranged, the number of items to display in each content type can be changed, and a View all can be shown, if desired.

The colours of the list are dependent on the site's colour theme.

Section layout

The width of the section will affect the width of the Multi-type list block.

Block examples

Multi-type list



  • A Multi-type list placed in an extra-wide contained width section
  • Set to show 4 News items and 3 Blog posts
  • Showing View all button