Centre for Teaching Excellence Workshop: Flipped Teaching

Friday, June 21, 2013 11:45 am - 1:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Mary Power and Jane Holbrook, from the Centre for Teaching Excellence, will provide a workshop to all Optometry faculty, staff, and students, entitled What the Flip?

Workshop abstract

What is all this talk about Flipped Teaching? What exactly is a Flipped Classroom? We will explore this model of learning that involves reversing the content delivery and the homework phase where the course content is delivered/obtained outside the classroom and the classroom time is used for more active learning activities such as problem solving, discussions, demonstrations etc. We will look at examples of flipped classrooms from our own and other institutions and identify how flipping a classroom can be part of a blended course design that increases students' engagement and learning. We will discuss some current tools that can be used to support the delivery of content outside of class, some methods to encourage student participation, and brainstorm some active learning strategies that can be used to replace some of the traditional lecture time.

Location: OPT1129

Lecture begins at noon, but with an RSVP to Marilyn Thom, there will be lunch available at 11:45 am – pizza!