These services are relevant to all our WLRC users.
For services related to specific groups see the "Information For" menu on the left-hand side of this website.
WLRC Specific Services and Information
Use the links below to access more detailed information:
- Printing and photocopying
- Get your course materials from the W Store delivered to the WLRC
- Study rooms
- Research assistance
- Computer lab and wireless access
General UWaterloo Library Services and Information
Use the links below to access more detailed information:
- Watcard is my library card
- Borrowing policies (including late fines)
- UWaterloo Library Account and Privledges
Printing and photocopying
Printing with W Print (information and instructions).
The WLRC has two printers and photocopiers. You will need to add money to your Watcard in order to print from the Nexus computers.
Photocopiers also use a watcard swipe option to photocopy.
WLRC study rooms
We have 7 group study rooms that can be booked by optometry students only for groups of three or more. Sign up is required per hour at the circulation desk.
Research Assistance
Need help with your research? Please email us or call us at + (519) 888-4005.
Computer lab & Wireless Access
Computers are located in the Witer Learning Resource Centre. The Optometry building has wireless access – We also have instructions in the WLRC for connecting your laptop.
Watcard is my library card
In order to borrow WLRC library items you need to have a Watcard. Your card is automatically registered with the Library.
Your Watcard allows you to:
- Request, sign out and renew books from the library
- Access the University of Waterloo electronic journals, books and indexes from off-campus
- Printing and photocopying
- Visit and use other university libraries within Canada
- Keep your contact information updated via Quest
See the UWaterloo Library website for additional information about My library card
Borrowing policies
Loan periods
Optometry students may borrow an unlimited number of books for a term at a time (due dates for the next term are announced towards the end of the current term). This does not include reserve, reference or controlled access materials.
Borrowing from Tri-University Group (TUG) libraries
Your watcard can also be used at any of the TUG libraries to borrow circulating books in person.
Returning library items
If possible, please return your WLRC library items to our book bin or circulation desk. You also have the option of returning your items to the other locations.
Please note: WLRC reserve items must be returned to our circulation desk.
Library fines
All overdue material is subject to fines as follows:
- Reserve Overdue items
Items on loan for 1 or 3 hours - 5 cents per minute to a maximum of $100 per item.
Items on loan for 1 or 3 days - $20 per day to a maximum of $100 per item. - Recalled Materials
$1.00 per day after the recall due date to a maximum of $30 per item. - All Other Materials
25 cents per day to a maximum of $15 per item.
Other penalties and sanctions may apply.