Women in Computer Science at the University of Waterloo

group photo of conference attendees, in front of a sign that reads Grace Hopper Celebration

Women in Computer Science (WiCS) is dedicated to promoting gender equity in computing by advocating for and supporting women and gender-diverse communities, including transgender, non-binary and gender-fluid students. Specifically, WiCS initiatives and events foster community, empowerment, and mentorship:

  • to ensure that young women+ see computer science as an option in their studies and their careers
  • to create an inclusive learning and working environment in the School of Computer Science
  • to connect with other organizations and initiatives for women+ in computing


Two teams of Waterloo Region elementary school students have progressed to the semi-finals in the junior division of the 2023 Technovation Girls Challenge. Technovation Girls is an international 12-week program with regional chapters that equips girls and young women, including transgender, non-binary, and gender-fluid individuals ages 10 to 18 with problem-solving, leadership and coding skills to become the next generation of tech entrepreneurs and leaders.
