Studio space
The Waterloo program is blessed with a unique studio space. The apartment, far larger and much more spacious than its predecessors, is located on the main floor of a 17th century palazzo at the east end of Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere. This square is free of vehicular traffic and is the centre of one of the most lively and characteristic areas in Rome.
The studio has space for up to 50 students and a second apartment on the 3rd floor has been rented to accommodate the large numbers of students coming to Rome since 2014. The Piazza S. Apollonia space has an office (which holds our small collection of books), a lecture room, 4 studio rooms and a computer/crit room. Several computers with a high-speed Internet connection are available for student use in this room.
A shared environment
As is generally the case with Roman palazzi, ours is a mixed-use building. A famous restaurant (Sabatini) occupies the ground floor, while the Waterloo studio shares the main floor with several residential units. There are mezzanine apartments and very sensitive tenants below some parts of the Waterloo Studio.
These conditions require respect for the rights of the building's other inhabitants. Noise must be kept to a minimum in the studio and stairwell, especially at night. Italian law states that no undue noise is to be made after eleven o'clock at night. This means that the police may be called if noise continues after this time. For this reason, the studio officially closes at 11.00 pm.
Every student will have keys to the studio and therefore, access at all times. This privilege carries with it the necessity of behaving responsibly and safely. You must be very careful who you let into the building and the studio. Be certain doors are closed and locked behind you when you come in and leave.
Mail may be directed to the studio address, giving the student’s name c/o Waterloo and the address above.